Disaster Ministries
Helping congregations to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters
We are a global-reaching organization called to respond to both natural and human-caused disasters, providing physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual care to those affected.
The Global H.O.P.E. team facilitates the UCC’s response to natural and human-caused disasters across the United States and its territories and around the world.
Hand in hand with our Partners in Service and other volunteers, congregations, conferences, and partnerships, including a network of Conference Disaster Response Coordinators, UCC Disaster Ministries seeks to serve the most vulnerable populations, focusing on disaster preparedness, identifying and meeting unmet needs, and spiritual and emotional support.
The UCC is an active member of National VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster), through which we partner with dozens of organizations, large and small, for holistic, community-based recovery.
Internationally, Global H.O.P.E. maintains direct relationships and partnerships with organizations and faith communities able to appropriately and effectively respond to emergencies and long-term needs. The Global H.O.P.E. Team Leader works with Area Executives of Global Ministries and through organizations such as Church World Service and the ACT Alliance to direct financial support and ensure the United Church of Christ stands with vulnerable people during times of crisis.
Receive regular updates on ways your church can respond to disasters.
Ways to Respond to Disasters
Disaster Ministries Donations Page
Active Appeals
Give to one of the appeals below to bring hope and healing to communities in need.
Disaster Grant Opportunities
Receive assistance to help communities in disaster find hope and strength.
Disaster Ministries Willing to Respond
Willing to Respond is a joint venture between United
Church of Christ and the Disciples of Christ to help
congregations work better together and connect with their
local disaster response infrastructure.
Disaster Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are needed to help respond to disasters in the United States and abroad. We are a proud member of National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster to help connect volunteers to urgent needs in our world.
Disaster Ministry Updates
Hawai’i Conference offers space for grief, prayer for wildfires
Responding to the tragic wildfires in Hawaii, the Hawai’i Conference of the United Church of…
Read MoreAmid wildfires devastation, UCC makes appeal for Hawaii
The United Church of Christ, through Wider Church Ministries, is issuing a special appeal to…
Read MoreUCC offers prayers, launches appeal to aid Turkey and Syria after earthquake
The United Church of Christ is offering prayers for the region encompassing Turkey and Syria…
Read MoreResources for Churches in Times of Disaster
Use these church resources to prepare for and cope with disasters impacting your community.
Emotional and Spiritual Care in Disaster
We are embarking on care for the caregiver through an emotional and spiritual care team. Get involved as a participant, advisor or team member.
Please contact disasters@ucc.org for more information.