Volunteer Ministries
Changing our communities and the world.
About Volunteer Ministries
The Volunteer Engagement Office of the United Church of Christ National Ministries sits within the Global HOPE Team. Volunteer Ministries creates a variety of service opportunities with non-profit organizations across the United States for members to share God’s radical hospitality and love to those on the margins. Learn more about Our History!
Get Involved
Doing justice, seeking peace and building community are central to the identity of the United Church of Christ. Volunteer Ministries helps UCC members discover ways to engage in faith-based service. From disaster recovery, affordable housing, to social justice advocacy, our programs provide a variety of service opportunities. Volunteer Ministries welcomes and supports volunteers in many offices and ministries. We are glad to assist you with finding the right fit for your interests. Below are some opportunities to get you started.
Partners in Service
+The Partners in Service Program places adults, ages 19 and up, with non-profit organizations who aim to hear, center and amplify voices of those on the margins. Volunteers serve in diverse settings across the United States, for one month to a year. Through service, volunteers do justice, seek peace and build community.
Mission Trip Opportunities
+Volunteer Ministries acts as a resource to equip individual members, local churches, campus ministries, associations and conferences for creating mission trips. Interested in serving? Follow the link to view our list of mission trip partners.
Young Adult Fellowship Program
+Young Adults are proclaimed an essential component of the United Church of Christ Church. Volunteer Ministries creates leadership development programs for young adults 19 and above. The programs focus on intersecting service, justice advocacy, opportunities for spiritual growth and leadership development. Young Adult Fellowship opportunities are currently being redeveloped. Please check-back for opportunities soon!

Kiandra Marciniak
Hometown: Lansing, Michigan
Attending: The University of Olivet
Mission Site: Back Bay Mission
Partners in Service | Volunteer Spotlight
Highlight from My Experience
Field visits with the case manager showed me how problem-solving is a key component of social work.
What I Took Away
If I’m passionate about a cause, I can pursue it and change lives – event if it’s just one person at a time.
A Quote That Inspires Me
“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” Angela Davis

Please contact Danielle Hickman directly at (hickmand@ucc.org), for more information.