Manual on Local Church
A Guide for Local Churches in Covenant in and with the United Church of Christ

The thirty-second General Synod resolved that a working group representative of the whole denomination would be convened to, along with discerning language and possible revisions to Article V of the Constitution of the United Church of Christ, produce a Manual on Local Church, akin to the Manual on Ministry, for use by all settings of the Church to fully live into their covenantal responsibilities and privileges under the Constitution of the United Church of Christ.
The Manual on Local Church (MLC) is now available for download! This draft is the result of five years of research, interviews, case studies, writing, review, revisions, editing, more review, more revisions and more editing! The MLC Working Group is confident this is a faithful and usable draft for Local Churches and entities in covenantal relationships with them, including Associations and Conference, to use as a resource and guide.
The Manual on Local Church includes: I. Introduction; II. the Congregational Code; III. Marks for Faithful and Vital Local Churches; IV Local Church Standing, Support and Accountability; V. Resources; VI; Glossary; Bibliography.
The Manual on Local Church is still marked as a “draft” because the the wider church now has the opportunity to review it and submit feedback through the end of 2024.
The Manual on Local Church is a resource for Local Churches to embody faithful and vital witness and ministry by:
1) recognizing themselves as part of the whole body of the United Church of Christ through covenant;
2) building and continuing faithful and effective expressions of the Local Church through healthy governance; and
3) proclaiming and engaging their identity and membership in the United Church of Christ through obtaining and maintaining Local Church standing in its Conference or Association.
The Manual on Local Church is also a resource for Conferences and Associations, equipping them to support their Local Churches and maintain accountable relationships in their ongoing witness and ministries.
And, The Manual on Local Church is also a resource for the whole United Church of Christ, imparting a vision of faithfulness and vitality by offering Marks of Faithful and Vital Local Churches that build upon the specific and continuing witness and ministry of the United Church of Christ.
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Marks for Faithful and Vital Local Churches Webinar
Local Church Governance Webinar
Standing, Support and Accountability Webinar
Full MLC presentation (originally prepared for the STAR Coalition)
Rev. Tracy Howe
Minister and Team Leader: Faith Education, Innovation and Formation (FaithINFO)
Resources for the Manual on Church
Explore the Manual on Local Church Video Series.
View the Resource Section of the Manual on Local Church.
Download a PowerPoint Presentation on the Manual on Local Church to share.
Download a One-Page Overview of the Manual on Local Church to share.
The Grow Your Church Game is a great way to engage the Marks for Faithful and Vital Local Ministry! We even have a Life-Sized Grow Your Church Game available to rent for special gatherings and meetings.
See a visual timeline of the Manual on Local Church
The MLC working group was convened through a thorough application process ensuring representation across the diverse theologies, settings and cultures of the United Church of Christ as well as capacity and commitment over a six year period. The working group members are: Becky Leonard, Lay leader, South Dakota; Cheryl Lindsay, National Staff, Ohio; Nicholas Knoblauch, Pastor, Missouri; Melanie Oommen, National Staff, Central Pacific Conference, Oregon; Aaron Wade, National Staff, DC; Beth Walker, Lay leader Old First Reformed UCC, UCCB Member, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Marsha Williams, Conference Minister and UCCB Member, New York; Lisa Hart, Conference Staff, Wisconsin; Amanda Lape-Freeberg, Pastor, Maine; Doug Wooten, Pastor, North Carolina; Zillah Jackson Wesley, Lay leader, DC; Liddy Barlow, Pastor, Pennsylvania; Kevin Petitt, Lay leader, Colorado; Elizabeth Dilley, National Staff, Ohio; Yinessa Romero, Pastor, North Texas Association & Colectivo de UCC Latinx Ministries; Chris Davies, Conference Staff, Massachusetts; Roberto Ochoa, National Staff, Living Water Association, Ohio; Heather Kimmel, National Staff, Ohio; Diane Weible, Conference Minister (now on National Staff), Oregon; Adam Hanley, National Staff, UC Canada; Viktor Toth, Pastor, Calvin Synod; Rock Fremont, Pastor, Arizona; Ruth Shaver, Pastor, Old Colony Association and UCC History & Polity Teachers’ Network; Tracy Howe, National Staff, Arizona; Ellis Arnold, Conference Staff and Pastor, California; Sharon MacArthur, Beloved Pastor, Died 2023; Supulona Tanuvasa, Beloved Pastor, United Samoan Ministries, Died 2022.
The Manual on Local Church is for all settings of the Church to use, to fully live into their covenantal responsibilities and privileges under the Constitution of the United Church of Christ. This work was commissioned by the Thirty-Second General Synod and is resourced by the Faith Education, Innovation and Formation team of the National Ministries.