UCC Brand Guidelines

These Identity Standards provide the guidelines for proper use of the various United Church of Christ (UCC) visual identity elements recently refined to provide a refreshed, updated and consistent look to the UCC Brand. These Identity Standards include a comprehensive identity system including logo and crest usage, typefaces, color palettes, photography use, correspondence guidelines and templates for Conferences and Churches to use when using both their logos/names and the United Church of Christ logo/name.

These standards have the endorsement of the General Minister and President; oversight for proper use is the responsibility of the Marketing & Communications Office of the National Setting.

Proper and consistent use of the United Church of Christ logos, and crest will enable the UCC to achieve clarity, accuracy and efficiency in all print and digital communications and better position the UCC brand while better aligning throughout its organizational and operational structure – from the National Setting offices in Cleveland to Conferences, Churches and other UCC-affiliated entities.

The UCC logos are the registered trademarks of the National Setting of the United Church of Christ. The General Synod and Three Great Loves logos are the trademarks of the National Setting of the United Church of Christ. The files on this page and on related pages may be downloaded and used by Local Churches, Associations, and Conferences of the United Church of Christ for use in their own social media, print publications, and websites. All other uses without permission are prohibited. The National Setting of the United Church of Christ reserves all rights, including the exclusive right to prohibit any usage it deems inconsistent with the purpose, mission, and vision of the United Church of Christ.


Please contact webteam@ucc.org for more information.