Stewardship Resource Directory

Search and download more than 30 stewardship resources and tips covering important topics like planned giving, stewardship-focused sermons, grants and much more.

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Stewardship for a Thriving Planet: Recovering the Full Meaning of the Human Vocation in Biblical Perspective

Category(s): Spirituality , Worship

Dr. Carol Frances Johnston and Rev. Stacy Emerson provide exegetical and a worship service for discussing the practice of generosity in light of Genesis 2-3. This is part of the 2023 Stewardship Theme Materials available at

Strengthen the Church Offering Materials

Category(s): Strengthen the Church

The Strengthen the Church (STC) Offering reflects the shared commitment of people across the United Church of Christ to cooperatively build up the UCC. Conferences and the national setting equally share the gifts given by members and friends through their local congregations. The funds raised support leadership development, new churches, youth ministry, and innovation in existing congregations.

Nurturing Generosity in Children

Author: Andy DeBraber | Category(s): Children and Youth , Generosity E-Newsletter

Andy DeBraber, Generosity Officer for the national setting of the UCC, reflects on the ways we can teach and model generosity for children.

Congregational Economic Evaluation Tool

Category(s): Fiscal Management , Leadership

The Congregational Economic Evaluation can help you identify which best practices you already do and which ones you could work on implementing. The survey draws on research by the Lake Institute at Indiana University.

What We Fund

Category(s): Grants

The United Church of Christ provides grants to congregations and scholarships to individuals to support our mission.

Appreciated Stocks

Category(s): Giving

Learn how a gift of appreciated stocks can allow you to pay less in taxes, give more to charity, and have a larger impact in the world.

IRA Distribution

Category(s): Giving

Learn how to make a charitable gift from an IRA that meets a required minimum distribution and supports the work of the United Church of Christ, whether a local congregation, conference, or the national setting.

Gift in Wills

Category(s): Giving

Learn how to make a gift in a will to support the work of the United Church of Christ, whether a local congregation, conference, or the national setting.

Our Church’s Wider Mission

Category(s): OCWM

The OCWM page provides an overview of the central way congregations and individuals support the mission of the United Church of Christ beyond the local congregation.

Online Giving Tip Sheet

Category(s): Fiscal Management , Generosity E-Newsletter , Leadership

The tip sheet provides practical ideas on implementing online giving options for a congregation.

Why Online Giving Matters

Author: Freeman Palmer | Category(s): Fiscal Management , Generosity E-Newsletter , Leadership

Congregations that offer online giving typically see an increase in giving. Rev. Freeman Palmer reflects on why online giving can help sustain the ministry of a congregation.

Grant Writing Tip Sheet

Author: Lee Gagen | Category(s): Generosity E-Newsletter , Grants , Leadership

Lee Gagen provides suggestions and ideas for leaders looking to apply for grant opportunities.

Reading the 11-Year Report

Author: Andrew Warner | Category(s): Fiscal Management , Generosity E-Newsletter , Governance , Leadership

A congregation’s 11-year report can be a useful tool for pastors and lay leaders to identify crucial trends.

The Big Secret of Giving: Hidden Treasures in Life and Church

Author: William Green | Category(s): Adult Education , Annual Stewardship , Spirituality

Willian Green offers brief reflections and prayers helping people to grow in generosity in this 30-day devotional. Available from UCC Resources here.

The Gifting God: Change the Way you Look at Giving

Author: Rochelle A. Stackhouse | Category(s): Adult Education , Annual Stewardship , Spirituality

A brief reflection on giving to the church. Ideal for use with small groups or individually to break open the often-difficult subject of giving. Based closely on the Bible, it can also be used effectively with stewardship or finance committees of the church. Written by Rochelle A. Stackhouse. Available from UCC Resources here.

For Such a Time as This

Author: Rochelle A. Stackhouse | Category(s): Adult Education , Annual Stewardship , Spirituality

A one-session Bible study on the Old Testament story of Esther and Mordecai shows your congregation how to find and use strength and wisdom to face financial and spiritual challenges. Includes questions for discussion. Written by Rochelle Stackhouse. Available from UCC Resources here.

Imagining Renewal for Your Congregation

Category(s): Adult Education , Generosity E-Newsletter , Strengthen the Church

Organize a congregational conversation can engage people in shifting from a mindset of scarcity to a mindset of abundance. Questions of about experiences of challenge, hope, and learning can help people reflect on their experience in a way that moves them to think more abundantly.

Strategically Generous?

Author: Andrew Warner | Category(s): Adult Education , Generosity E-Newsletter

Individuals can often feel overwhelmed by the number of philanthropic asks they receive. Engage your community in developing personal philanthropic strategies that draw on their faith and values to guide their decisions about giving.

Philanthropic Autobiography

Author: Lisa Hart | Category(s): Adult Education , Generosity E-Newsletter

Engaging people in questions about their relationship with money and the practice of giving can be an effective way to help adults to reflect on the spiritual practice of generosity.

The Rhythm of Generosity

Author: Andrew Warner | Category(s): Sermon , Spirituality , Worship

Andrew Warner preached about generosity as a spiritual practice.

Generosity Learning Opportunities

Category(s): Adult Education , Featured

The Learning Opportunities page highlights upcoming webinars and presentations across the United Church of Christ on stewardship and generosity.

Generosity Themed Worship

Author: Susan Blain, Andy DeBraber, Andrew Warner | Category(s): Liturgy and Service , Spirituality , Worship

This Worship Ways service is designed to be used and adapted by congregations when promoting generosity.

Stewardship Campaign Materials

Category(s): Annual Stewardship

From Bread and Cup to Faith and Giving” makes the connection between our experience of God and our generosity as disciples.  It includes practical tools such as logos, commitment cards, bulletin inserts, and letters.  The materials also provide resources for preaching and teaching about stewardship throughout the year.  Campaign guidance and calendars help leaders make the best use of these robust materials for their specific context and size.

Teaching Generosity

Category(s): Adult Education , Leadership

The Teaching Generosity page provides ideas and resources for promoting generosity as a spiritual practice in congregations.

Worship Resources

Category(s): Spirituality , Worship

The Worship Resources page provides ideas and examples for lifting up generosity in worship services and sermons.

Annual Campaigns

Category(s): Annual Stewardship , Leadership

The Annual Campaigns page provides tips and resources for running an effective annual stewardship campaign in a congregation.

Need more worship resources?

Worship Ways are original liturgies written in English and in Spanish by United Church of Christ pastors, based on readings from the Revised Common Lectionary. Look for Sunday, festival and special UCC worship services, organized by seasons of the Church Year.

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