Latest International Grants from UCC Global H.O.P.E.
India, Honduras, Nicaragua, Jordan and Syria. UCC Global H.O.P.E. just said “yes” to funding requests from partners serving in those countries.

In all cases, the UCC funding goes toward a global ecumenical sharing of resources to help meet needs created or exacerbated by natural and human-caused disasters; needs of refugees, internally displaced persons and host communities, and for development ministries.
You’ll get a running tally of 2021 grants in this periodic “Global H.O.P.E. Grants” blogpost. This is our second report this year. First grants of 2021 are indexed here.
Grants have been made to:
Three partners in Honduras and Nicaragua, which were granted a total of $5,000 in response to Hurricanes Eta and Iota in November 2020.
The funds are toward shelter, non-food items, food security, WASH, protection and psychosocial wellness. Eta and Iota affected 750,000 families in a region already vulnerable due to other crises such as migration and COVID-19.
Grantees: ACT Alliance partners Mennonite Social Action Committee in Honduras, Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua (CEPAD), and CIEETS Centro Intereclesial de Estudios Teológicos y Sociales (Interchurch Center for Theological and Social Studies), Nicaragua.
The 2021 grant supplements $20,000 forwarded in 2020 through Global Ministries for food and personal hygiene materials for impoverished families in the hurricanes’ immediate aftermath.
Three Middle East partners, which received a total of $5,000 for food security, mental health and access to protection support including gender-based violence, COVID-19 services, employment resilience, education and sheltering for Syrian refugees, host communities and vulnerable groups in Jordan.
Grantees: ACT Alliance partners Middle East Council of Churches, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, and the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees.
The Middle East Council of Churches, which received an additional $5,000 for basic needs and resilience building in Syria of people pushed into unemployment and poverty by the protracted crisis and conflict and COVID-19.
Global Ministries partner Churches Auxiliary for Social Action, which received $10,000 to support 500 vulnerable families in India, affected by the burst of a glacier lake, judged to be a result of climate change. Dry rations, WASH kits, shelter material and solar lamps to enhance their living conditions in response to Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction.
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