Our Faith Our Vote 2024

Our Faith Our Vote Resources

The UCC advocates for a wide range of issues including LGBTQ+ justice, health care, gun safety, and immigration. Find out where the UCC stands on these issues, ways to take action, questions to ask your candidates and more!

Encourage others to #VoteWithLove by spreading the message through flyers, yard signs, and banners. Check out these free downloadable graphics to share within your congregation and community!

Our Faith Our Vote Resources 2

Our Faith, Our Vote campaign publishes a new blog post every Tuesday highlighting a critical election issue. Check out the newest article!

As people of faith participating in the public square, we are called to a higher standard of engagement and interaction with our neighbors. Check out these tips for being a civil voice in uncivil times.

The United Church of Christ’s Our Faith Our Vote Campaign is our ongoing commitment to equip you with the tools for nonpartisan faithful engagement in our democratic process. The campaign is made up of three main components; voter registration, issue education, and voter empowerment.

The 2024 Our Faith Our Vote campaign asks the church to answer the call of 1 John 3:18 to “let us not love with words or speech, but in action and in truth,” by “voting with love.” Vote with love for creation, for our neighbors both here and abroad, for a just peace, for repair and reconciliation of the brokenness of our nation. And encourage your family, friends, and community to do the same. 

The 2024 election season is well underway, so please check this page for updates to learn how you can “vote with love” this year.

Politics is often taken to be a dirty word, but political processes are simply the way communities organize their common life. For people of faith, public policy is never merely politics. It is a way of living out the commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves. It is fitting for local congregations and church structures across the country to develop nonpartisan programs to help the faith community reflect upon the political order.

Check your registration status, find important dates for elections in your area, learn about candidates, and find the polling location nearest you.

Find out if you’re registered to vote!

Campaign News & Blog

Video Resources

Listen to messages from UCC Officers about the Our Faith Our Vote Campaign, better understand the legal parameters of engaging in elections with your congregation, hear from policy experts on the latest voting rights legislation and more..

A Message from Rev. Shari Prestemon, Acting Associate General Minister

Legal Advice for Engaging in Elections

2021 – 2022 Legislation Voting Rights

Popular Resources

The Our Faith Our Vote Campaign offers a variety of resources to support you in your engagement in your congregation and community. Understand your rights as an individual and as a part of a faith community, check your registration status, and find concrete tools to advocate for the issues you care about. It is important to be informed on the issues at stake and to ensure that each person’s voice is heard and their sacred right to vote is protected.

Political Advocacy Rights for Churches

Church political activities are limited due to their IRS Tax-exempt Other Resources Status, Download this guide about ways UCC churches can participate in raising their voices during elections that are legally protected. You can also watch a recording of our recent webinar “Be Prophetic, Not Partisan! Navigating Election Do’s & Don’ts for Churches“.

Public Policy Advocacy Toolkit

The United Church of Christ has a long-standing commitment to advocate for public policies that promote healing and reconciliation in our troubled world. The Public Policy Advocacy Guide contains advocacy organizing tools to help UCC members and churches become better informed on key issues and to organize for justice and peace in concrete ways.

Tools to Get Out the Vote

Host a voter registration drive at your church, start a conversation about the importance of expressing our faith through civic participation in your congregation, know your laws. Find helpful tools and ideas you can use to get out the vote!

Join the UCC Votes

Tell us why it’s important to you, as a person of faith, to cast your vote! Submit a photo using our template, and be featured on our Facebook and Twitter! Learn more.

Pledge to Vote and Help a Friend!

Many voters like you are pledging to increase civic engagement by committing to encouraging three friends to vote on or before Election Day. Join our Vote Tripling Campaign and make your pledge today!

Purchase a Vote With Love Yard Sign

Remind your neighbors, friends, and colleagues of the importance of exercising our right to vote using this Our Faith Our Vote yard sign with the call to “Vote with Love”. 

Yard signs available for purchase through UCCResources.

Photo Credit: Rev. Mike Denton, Pastor of  South Congregational Church UCC in Pittsfield, MA

Interested in how else to get involved with advocacy in the United Church of Christ?
Sign up for our Justice Peace and Action Network to learn more about the latest campaigns!


Please contact Rev. Michael Neuroth, Director of the UCC Washington D.C. Office, at neurothm@ucc.org.