The Ministerial Profile
The UCC Ministerial Profile is an authorized minister’s denominational credential, presenting an individual’s verified standing, criminal background check, disciplinary records, and employment history. The UCC Ministerial Profile is also the document by which an authorized minister reaches local church search committees. While an authorized minister directs his/her profile’s circulation, the UCC Ministerial Profile belongs to the United Church of Christ and is administered by Conference offices. Any authorized minister in good standing may request that a Conference circulate his/her profile to any vacancy, and the Conference duly sends it on; authorized ministers are encouraged to consult with Conferences to understand how each Conference circulates profiles. Ministers are encouraged to use all available information, including information found at to best discern which congregations they may like to engage in an interview.
Resources for congregations in transition, including the Local Church Profile, are located through the Search and Call page.
Create an account and log in here.

The UCC Ministerial Profile is a tool that documents eligibility for call in or on behalf of the United Church of Christ. In its final and validated form, the UCC Ministerial Profile with background check not only presents a minister’s experience and gifts for the discernment of a calling body, but also presents official verification of a minister’s authorization, standing and fitness. Eligible profiles are downloadable by Search & Call Staff through the Snapshot, which is found by searching the Snapshot pool by name or skillset.
Orientation Resources and Video Tutorials
All users of the Ministerial Profile Portal are encouraged to review all of the following information to best prepare themselves not only for using the portal but also for participating in the United Church of Christ search and call process overall.
- For authorized ministers and local search committees especially, two sample profiles have been created to demonstrate the final appearance of a UCC Ministerial Profile created in the new profile system. Profile for Serene Davis. Profile for Tomas Rey.
- When it is time to conclude your search, please withdraw your Ministerial Profile from circulation by clicking “Withdraw” in My Settings within the Profiles Portal.
- For those who are creating ministerial profiles, please spend time with the following video tutorial. You can also download a Worksheet in Word format to work on your Ministerial Profile and Snapshot offline. - For those judicatory staff who validate profiles, please review the following video tutorial:–EpRN5JQ - For search committees in local congregations, the following video tutorial introduces the new ministerial profile: