UCC Council for Climate Justice
The UCC Council for Climate Justice strives to live out the mandates of a UCC General Synod resolution that called for the establishment of a national task force devoted to the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. The resolution further called upon the regional conferences of the UCC to establish task forces dedicated to climate justice. The Council strives to have representation from all of the conferences in the UCC.
The focus of the Council can be outlined as follows:
- cultivating the kind of urgency and mobilization that is witnessed in times of war
- ratcheting up the engagement of local churches and their leaders
- going beyond a focus on individual behaviors to collectively address institutions and systems—ie., the oil industry
- developing a pervasive prophetic culture within the Church
- advancing a perspective rooted in progressive theology and scientific understandings
- addressing the root causes of climate-related pollution as it relates to factors such as race, class, and global inequality
- sharing best practices for educating and organizing congregants
- cultivating collaborative endeavors with ecumenical, interfaith, and secular partners
- articulating the values that motivate people of faith to action such as the Three Great Loves: Love of Neighbor, Love of Children, and Love of Creation
In 2024 and 2025, the Council is hosting Climate Action Assemblies every two months to focus efforts on three initiatives rooted in recent General Synod resolutions. These initiatives include the Freedom from Plastics Campaign, the Electrification Checklist Initiative, and the Climate Hope Campaign. To receive a link to register for the next Climate Action Assembly, email the Rev. Brooks Berndt, the UCC’s Minister for Environmental Justice.