Luisa’s Story

IMG_2342.jpgLuisa knows the land. She has lived near El Panama, Nicaragua for most of her 34 years. She is teaching her two sons to know the land. Luisa also sees the land changing. Rising temperatures and shifting rainfall patterns make the hard work of farming even harder.

In 2015, Luisa joined a 5-year agricultural project through the Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua (CEPAD). With farmers like Luisa, CEPAD is working for holistic change.

On her 1.5 acres, Luisa has improved soil quality with manure and mulch. Drip-irrigation techniques provide consistent water. Luisa has already increased her harvest, but she is more excited about the project’s future potential.

Her first focus is seeds. Training in seed selection enables her to plant quality seeds, which she preserves and catalogues for next season and is sharing with her neighbors.

Luisa’s hopes stretch farther than next season, though. She hopes the added income will fund her sons’ educations to become professionals. At the same time, she is teaching them the land which is part of their future–they are responsible for protecting the spring on their property.

With support from CEPAD and One Great Hour of Sharing, Luisa is planting seeds that will bear abundant fruit for today, tomorrow, and years to come. With God’s help, these seeds will bear far more than we imagine.

Categories: OGHS Stories

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