Our Church’s Wider Mission
Basic Support

The 4500 congregations of the United Church of Christ covenant together to put God’s love into action in our communities and across the world.
Did you know that Basic Support is one of the 5 for 5 offerings?
Being 5 for 5 means that your church is a leader, providing support to Our Church’s Wider Mission Basic Support as well as the Special Mission Offerings: One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen The Church, Neighbors In Need and The Christmas Fund.
In isolation, no single congregation can completely answer God’s call to love. Together we are a bold witness to God’s extravagant love for all. We share resources to transform our vision into reality. Gifts from congregations like ours to OCWM Basic Support make it possible for our Conferences and the National Ministries to strengthen local churches and leaders and engage us in mission well beyond our community.
Most of our OCWM Basic Support dollars remain in our Conferences to help local congregations thrive. Direct support in Conferences comes through leadership Initiatives like communities of practice, committees on the ministry, and one-on-one mentoring. Conferences also share in congregational vitality work. This includes conflict transformation, resourcing leaders as they reimagine ministry, and grants to churches.
The National Ministries of the UCC, a crucial partner of our Conference and each congregation, helps us put love into action, especially through ministry that no one congregation could do alone. The National Ministries are organized into these three categories:
Love of Church supports congregations and other settings of the church in doing justice, seeking peace, and building vibrant faith communities that are welcoming to all. From the National Setting in Cleveland, Ohio, Love of Church is responsible for supporting local churches with worship and faith-forming publications, resources, research and development, and education
Love of Neighbor encourages and supports local churches, Associations, Conferences, and the national expressions of the United Church of Christ to participate in the global, multiracial, multicultural church
Love of Service is responsible for administration and common services for the National Setting. The Love of Service Ministry oversees the finance office, human resources, legal counsel, ecumenical and interfaith relationships, the UCC Resources Store, strategy and planning, philanthropy, technology, UCC Archives, and marketing and communications.