JPANet: Heathcare Reform on Trial

From March 26-28 the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in challenge to the Affordable Care Act. As we approach the 2nd anniversary of this historic reform, a coalition of faith leaders are calling on advocates around the country to reflect and pray for the court.

On Sunday, March 25, 2012 we are asking all UCC Congregations to lift up prayers for the members of the Supreme Court, that they will listen with the needs of the country in mind and to discern for the good of all, not just some.

Ways to Engage:

Lift up the Following Prayer wherever you are on Sunday, March 25:

Prayer for Discernment of the Supreme Court (Adapted by Barbara Baylor from Prayer for Discernment, General Synod United Church of Christ)

Oh God, you have called us from east and west and north and south. We gather together on this day to lift up our concerns about health care. We gather to lift up a society where each person is afforded health, wellness and human dignity.  Today, we specifically come together to pray for the Supreme Court, that they may reason together about the concerns before them regarding the Affordable Care Act. Grant that their hearts be open to the leading of your Spirit. Give them ears to hear the deeply felt yearnings of everyone in our beloved country. Invoke in them compassionate spirits to love their neighbors as themselves and to value their neighbor’s health as their own. Create in them a concern for the most vulnerable in our communities. Let them be faithful in their deliberations. Let them speak truth in love. Amen

Come to DC: On Monday March 26 at 11:00. Gather with the faith community in prayer and solidarity in front of the Supreme Court during the oral arguments.

Pray via Phone:  Interfaith prayer Vigil via Teleconference on Tuesday, March 27 at noon. Organized by Faithful Reform in Health Care. Details at

Learn much more about this important issue and find additional ways to engage.

Categories: Column Justice & Peace Action Network Monthly Newsletter

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