JPANet July 2019 Newsletter

Getting to the Root of It

Getting to the Root of It

We’ve asked UCC advocates to help us unpack the complex justice issues that we’re working on. This month Katie Adams, UCC Domestic Policy Advocate, looks at campaign finance issues.

Money in Politics
katie-adams.jpgUnderstanding who gives money to political campaigns and how campaigns are financed is critically important to being an informed voter and citizen. As we take time to do advocacy for the many issues we care about and doing the important work of building a just world for all – we must strive to enact robust and thoughtful campaign finance reforms. In fact, campaign finance and money in politics is at the root of many of the issues we work on every day. (Read more)

Justice Events

Green New Deal Webinar – July 11
At General Synod, delegates voted to become the first Christian body to endorse the Green New Deal! This month’s Creation Justice Webinar is focused on what faith communities can do to advance it. The webinar will feature Varshini Prakash of the Sunrise Movement, the leading organization behind the Green New Deal. The webinar is on the afternoon of July 11, but a recording is sent to all who register. Register today!

Princeton Conference on Drone Warfare – Sept 27-29
Just Peace Advocates! If you are interested in working on the issue of armed drones, you are encouraged to attend a Conference on Drone Warfare at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, NJ this September 27-29, 2019. Travel, lodging, and registration for this event will be subsidized. Contact Michael Neuroth for more information or visit their website.

Justice in Action

5 Things You Can Do to Support the Green New Deal
What can churches and their members do to support the Green New Deal and actualize their care for God’s creation? Check out a list of five actions that can be taken. One important resource is a collection of tips on how to talk about the Green New Deal from the pulpit. Seven preachers known for their work on environmental justice offered their insights.

Justice Resources

Witness for Justice
Looking for up-to-date social justice commentary? Check out Witness for Justice, a weekly editorial opinion column written by the staff of Justice and Witness Ministries.

Featured topics:

Vibrant and Wonderfully Alive | We are all MarshalleseThe Rise of Ghettos and Concentration Camps | The Year of the Return

Categories: Column Justice & Peace Action Network Monthly Newsletter

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