Ministerial Updates for October 2017
Ministerial changes reported in the Data Hub—the UCC’s information system for ministers and churches—for new positions/calls entered into the system in October 2017.
CC: Congregational Christian |
CM: Commissioned Minister |
DS: Dual Standing |
LM: Licensed Minister |
MID: Member in Discernment |
MS: Ordained Ministerial Partner Standing |
OM: Ordained Minister |
POC: Privilege of Call |
U: Unknown/No UCC Standing |
P: Pastor |
SP: Senior Pastor |
DT: Designated-Term Pastor |
CP: Co-pastor |
AP: Associate or Assistant Pastor |
IN: Interim Pastor |
SU: Supply Pastor |
Y: Youth Ministry |
OL: Other local church position |
MM: Minister of Music |
CE: Director of Christian Education |
LM, Kathy Abend, P, Wright Community Congregational UCC, Boise, ID
LM, Susan Alexander Greenwood, P, First Congregational UCC, Coloma, MI
OM, Michael Bausch, IN, United Church of Christ, Mc Farland, WI
OM, Jody Betten, SP, New Waves UCC, Traverse City, MI
MID, Tommi Boeder, IN, First United Church of Christ, Tipton, IA
OM, James Boodley, IN, The Park Church UCC, Elmira, NY
OM, Bruce Burnham, DT, First Congregational Church, East Millinocket, ME
U, R. Scott Colglazier, SP, First Congregational Church of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
OM, Stephen Davis, IN, Zion United Church of Christ, Dale, WI
OM, Bruce Druckenmiller, P, Trinity UCC, Waynesboro, PA
OM, Wayne Drueck, IN, First Congregational UCC, Rhinelander, WI
POC, Vilius Dundzila, AP, The Peoples Church of Chicago UCC, Chicago, IL
U, Howard Paul Fischer, SU, Congregational UCC, Blairsburg, IA
OM, Paul Fraser, CP, Trinity UCC, Mc Cutchenville, OH
OM, Paul Fraser, CP, United Church of Christ, Sycamore, OH
OM, Cynthia Garis, IN, Colonial Park UCC, Harrisburg, PA
OM, Kristin Gorton, P, Memorial United Church of Christ, Fitchburg, WI
OM, Brent Gundlah, P, St Paul UCC, Navarre, OH
U, Terri Haithcock, P, Faith Christian Church, Lima, OH
LM, Michael Howard, IN, Community Church UCC, Brookside, NJ
U, Scott Jansen, SP, First United Church of Christ, Bay City, MI
MS, Bill Johnson, P, Immanuel UCC, Ellinwood, KS
OM, Jennifer Kirbas, IN, Church of the Savior UCC, Oklahoma City, OK
OM, Pamela Kittredge, OL, Union Church of Vinalhaven, Vinalhaven, ME
OM, Kristal Klemme, P, First Congregational UCC, Plymouth, WI
U, Megan Lynes, P, First Church UCC, Sterling, MA
MID, Kenneth McDowell, IN, Saint Paul’s UCC, Auburn, PA
OM, Kenneth McIntosh, P, United Church of Christ of Honeoye, Honeoye, NY
OM, Christopher Mehlhoff, P, Union Congregational Church UCC, Three Lakes, WI
MS, Karen Moore, CP, United Church of Christ, Sycamore, OH
MS, Karen Moore, CP, Trinity UCC, Mc Cutchenville, OH
OM, Linda Myren, IN, Community UCC, Gilman, IA
MID, Nicole Pickens, P, Zion United Church of Christ, Bellevue, OH
OM, Margot Pickett, IN, Life’s Journey UCC, Burlington, NC
LM, Amelia Price, P, Saint Paul’s UCC, Selinsgrove, PA
OM, Richard Pulling, IN, Freysville Emmanuel UCC, Red Lion, PA
U, Deborah Rice, SP, United Church of the Valley, Temecula, CA
OM, Lawrence Richardson, AP, Linden Hills Congregational UCC, Minneapolis, MN
OM, Scott Sanders, P, Saint John’s UCC, Kutztown, PA
DS, Matthew Sauer, CP, First Reformed UCC, Manitowoc, WI
DS, Matthew Sauer, CP, Saint John’s UCC, Manitowoc, WI
OM, Sharell Shippen, AP, Grace Christian Fellowship United Church of Christ, Philadelphia, PA
U, Leitu Teofilo, P, First Samoan Cong’l Christian Church of San Luis Rey, Oceanside, CA
OM, Brice Thomas, SP, Holy Trinity Community Church, Nashville, TN
LM, Ralph Thompson, P, Howard Congregational UCC, Nashville, TN
OM, Dorothy Thormaehlen, OL, Trinity UCC, Hanover, PA
OM, Diane Tugel, P, Brookmeade Congregational UCC, Nashville TN
MS, Stephen Vandergrift, P, Houghs Neck Congregational, Quincy, MA
OM, Damaris Whittaker, SP, Fort Washington Collegiate, New York, NY
OM, Craig Zimmerman, P, Saint Paul’s UCC, Mahanoy City, PA
MID, Sue Zschoche, OL, First Congregational UCC, Manhattan, KS
The Center for Analytics, Research and Data (CARD) provides oversight of the UCC Data Hub through which ministerial changes are made. However, Conferences and Associations are responsible for reporting changes and maintaining ministerial records in this system. If you have questions about this information, please contact the appropriate Conference or Association.