Ministerial Updates for April 2018
Ministerial changes reported in the Data Hub—the UCC’s information system for ministers and churches—for new positions/calls entered into the system in April 2018.
CC: Congregational Christian |
CM: Commissioned Minister |
DS: Dual Standing |
LM: Licensed Minister |
MID: Member in Discernment |
MS: Ordained Ministerial Partner Standing |
OM: Ordained Minister |
POC: Privilege of Call |
U: Unknown/No UCC Standing |
P: Pastor |
SP: Senior Pastor |
DT: Designated-Term Pastor |
CP: Co-pastor |
AP: Associate or Assistant Pastor |
IN: Interim Pastor |
SU: Supply Pastor |
Y: Youth Ministry |
OL: Other local church position |
MM: Minister of Music |
CE: Director of Christian Education |
OM, Paul Binder, SU, First Congregational UCC, Winter Park, FL
LM, Leora Bremer, OL, Immanuel UCC, Sedalia, MO
U, Erica Brown, P, Howland Community UCC, Warren, OH
OM, David Brumbaugh, P, First Congregational Church of Tallmadge, Tallmadge, OH
OM, David Buchan, IN, South Britain Congregational Church, Southbury, CT
POC, Marty Carney, P, First Congregational UCC, Lake Geneva, WI
LM, Heidi Champagne, OL, Cotuit Federated Church, Cotuit, MA
OM, David Colton, IN, First Congregational Church of East Haven, East Haven, CT
LM, Cesar Depaz, SP, Hispanic Community Church, Jamaica Plain, MA
OM, Ashley Dowden, AP, Saint John’s Faith Church UCC, Matteson, IL
OM, Christine Eckert, SP, Saint John UCC, Trenton, IL
CM, Eugene Edwards, DT, Christ United Church of Christ, Codorus, PA
OM, Melissa Eicholtz, IN, Trinity Roths UCC, Spring Grove, PA
OM, Laura Fitzpatrick-Nager, AP, First Congregational Church of Old Lyme, Old Lyme, CT
U, Tim Gay, OL, Saint Paul UCC, Saint Louis, MO
OM, Regena Glenn-Caldwell, AP Trinity UCC, Chicago, IL
OM, Thomas Hathaway, P, Hillside Community Church, formerly North Prospect Union UCC, Medford, MA
OM, Susanne Hayes, IN, Southwick Congregational Church, Southwick, MA
LM, Ronald Heagy, SU, Saint Stephen’s UCC, York, PA
OM, Teresa Howell-Smith, P, First Congregational Church of East Troy UCC, East Troy, WI
OM, Wallace Hurd, P, United Church, Wilbraham, MA
OM, Leslie Jackson, SP, Cathedral of Hope Houston, Houston, TX
OM, Denise Karuth, OL, North Hadley Congregational UCC, Hadley, MA
OM, Robert Koepcke, SP, First Congregational UCC, Watertown, WI
MID, Geneva McAuley, OL, Country Club Congregational UCC dba: Kansas City UCC, Kansas City, MO
OM, Suzanne Personette, IN, First Congregational Church, Branford, Branford, CT
OM, William Rishel, IN, Grace United Church of Christ, Kohler, WI
U, Robin Rogers, OL, Saint John’s-Bem UCC, Owensville, MO
OM, Joseph Shore-Goss, IN, United Church of Christ, Petaluma, CA
MID, Stephen Stark, SU, Emmanuel UCC, Weldon Spring, MO
POC, Jim Stobaugh, P, Mount Laurel UCC, Boswell, PA
OM, Debra Timmins, DT, Linfield United Church of Christ, Linfield, PA
OM, Timothy Vasquez-Marquez, CE, Grace United Church of Christ, Houston, TX
OM, Bonnie Whittier, P, Grace United Church of Christ, Hanover, PA
U, Gary Wilner, IN, Congregational UCC, Neenah, WI
OM, Kay Young, DT, United Church of Christ, West Liberty, OH
The Center for Analytics, Research and Data (CARD) provides oversight of the UCC Data Hub through which ministerial changes are made. However, Conferences and Associations are responsible for reporting changes and maintaining ministerial records in this system. If you have questions about this information, please contact the appropriate Conference or Association.