About the Washington D.C. Office

The UCC’s Office of Public Policy and Advocacy on Capitol Hill

In responding faithfully to God’s call for abundant life for all people, a common life in which no one is left behind, we are drawn inevitably to engage in public policy advocacy and decision-making.   

This is the goal of the UCC Washington D.C. Office; to make a better world possible by addressing the systemic problems that we face as a country and as part of the world. Hunger, poverty, peace and security, racism, care for the earth. These are among the types of justice issues that we work to improve through federal policies. 

The UCC Washington Office was called into being by a resolution at General Synod 10 in 1975. This predecessor body to Justice and Local Church Ministries, then called the Office for Church in Society, was created to assume a leadership function for social action concerns in the UCC and to provide resources to the national, conference and local churches. Foremost among the tasks assigned to the office was identifying, analyzing and forecasting emerging social issues which call for the attention of the denomination.  

“If a single decision in the halls of the U.S. Congress can either enhance or undo literally millions of acts of Christian caring, I should try to influence such decisions?”

Today the UCC Justice and Local Church Ministries staff in Washington D.C., in partnership with UCC staff, Conferences, Associations, congregations and individual UCC members, continues this mission by monitoring and seeking changes in legislation at local, state and federal levels through a variety of coalitions and working groups.  

The policies that guide our work are crafted by UCC members who gather for General Synod to pray, reflect and discern a faithful response to God’s call through resolutions and pronouncements on the issues facing our world.

Get Involved. Answer the Call to Action.

Questions? Contact UCC.

Hannah Santos
Communications and Campaigns Specialist