Lent 3C March 20, 2022

The Third Sunday in Lent Year C
Wednesday, March 20, 2022
One: Come, everyone who thirsts,
Come to the waters. Come to the wells.
All: Our souls thirst for you, O God.
We lift up our hands and call on your name
One: Come, without money. Come without cost.
Incline your ears and listen for good news.
All: Our flesh faints for you, O God.
Our lips sing praises, beholding your glory.
One: Come, eat good. Come, feast upon true riches.
Be filled with that which sustains you.
All: Our souls are satisfied in you, O God.
In the shadow of your wings, we sing with joy.
- Isaiah 55, Psalm 63
Leader: Author of abundance, God of change, we come into this hour with holy expectations. As we travel on our journey of transformation this Lenten season, we know that you are with us. You walk beside us. Your presence surrounds us. Help us to bear fruit as we walk this road. Remind us that you will never leave us nor forsakes us, that your rod and your staff comfort us, that you have prepared a feast for us when all can come and eat. Keep us forever in the path as we worship you in spirit and in truth. Amen.
Leader: God, you call us to step more deeply into ourselves
as we amend and awaken to who you desire us to be.
Let us acknowledge our transgressions in stillness and in silence
So that may prepare our hearts for change.
Moment of silence
All: We confess that we have not always brought forth good fruit.
In the midst of chaos and frenzy, we have often lost our way.
Our feet have strayed from the place where we met you.
Our egos have kept us from seeing our missteps;
Yet, with you, we know there’s another chance for change.
There is another opportunity to bear good fruit
In a world full of spoiled and rotten produce, and systems designed to kill
We are called to be the change that sustains generations.
Let us lean with you into this chance for transformation.
Leader: God’s grace and mercy abounds.
God is with us in the change.
God’s everlasting arms embrace us.
Each of us is beloved, affirmed, and set free.
Leader: As recipients of the generosity of God, let us share our generosity with each other and the community.
One: For the wondrous ways this offering will bless this community
All: We dedicate these gifts.
One: For the ways it’ll help us nurture caring relationships with our neighbors
All: We dedicate these gifts.
Let this offering, and the works of our hands and feet, be good fruit in the world.
As we go forth to bear good fruit,
May God be with us in our hunger and thirst.
May our ears be ever inclined, listening for the good news.
May praises be on our lips even in the bleakest valley
And May the God of peace equip us with every good thing
to carry out God’s desire for the world.
Lift Every Voice and Sing (Verse 3, especially) New Century Hymnal #593
O God, How We Have Wandered New Century Hymnal #202
There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy New Century Hymnal #23
Lord, Make Me More Holy New Century Hymnal #75

Looking for Fruit Service Prayers for Lent 3C was written by Rev. Mia M. McClain, the Associate Minister at Myers Park Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC and a member of the Southern Conference UCC.