General Synod @Home Worship and Faith Formation Resources

The United Church of Christ gathers as a body at General Synod with representatives from all settings serving as delegates and visitors. During that gathering, worship provides a central role in forming us as a faith community dedicated to remember our past, to celebrate our present, and to envision our future. As Minister for Worship and Theology, I provide resources to the local church for Sunday worship and sermon preparation. I also serve as Director of General Synod Worship. General Synod @Home brings the local church and the General Synod together.
It is my vision and hope that local churches will use these resources (that are also based on the Revised Common Lectionary) and be drawn closer, by the Spirit, to the church gathered at General Synod. The communion liturgy that many will utilize on that Sunday will be the same as the liturgy used in for the Community Worship Service for General Synod on Sunday afternoon. As many pastors may find securing pulpit supply challenging, I will write and record (video) a sermon that may be played in local churches or read by a worship leader. We also invite the local church to pray for the church at General Synod. We are one church, gathered in many places. Let us celebrate that connection as God is making all things new…
In community,
Rev. Dr. Cheryl Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology
Worship Ways Liturgical Elements
Worship Ways provides basic liturgical elements based on the Revised Common Lectionary and the theme that corresponds to the Sermon Seeds Roadmap. This liturgy also offers a prayer for General Synod for local churches to lift in worship.
Communion Liturgy
This is the same liturgy that will be used for those gathered onsight and online for the Community Worship Service at General Synod. It may be used in the local church at any time.
Holy Welcome
Intergenerational Worship and Faith Formation for July 2, 2023
Complete Sermon
A video recording and script of a full sermon written and delivered by Cheryl Lindsay for local church use may be found below:
“Welcome the Prophetic” Sermon (Video)
“Welcome the Prophetic” Sermon Transcript