Easter C – April 17

From the Tomb
Easter Sunday
April 17 2022
One: This is the day that God has made;
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
All: We gather today to shout Alleluia!
Christ is risen; he is risen indeed.
One: Out of the doom of death and despair,
Victory comes, glory appears.
All: We gather today to shout Alleluia!
Christ is risen; he is risen indeed.
One: We shall live, witness, and recount the deeds
Of the God whose love endures forever.
All: We gather today to shout Alleluia!
Christ is risen; he is risen indeed.
Psalm 118; John 20
O, Redeeming God,
Like Mary of Magdala weeping at the tomb,
we, too, have witness the wonders of your work
with our own teary eyes.
In this hour, O God,
Elevate us in Christ and with the power of the Holy Spirit,
so that other may be awakened through our
preaching and proclaiming the good news:
news of healing, peace, justice, and community for all people.
One: God, you call us to step out of the tombs that aim to consume us
and more intentionally into the fullness of life that abounds in your presence.
In stillness and in silence, let us acknowledge the ways we have been separated from
the richness of who you have called us to be.
Moment of silence
All: We admit that we have not always remembered the creative power of resurrection.
In a world where dreams and joy have been entombed, and chaos is celebrated and normalized, we have not always considered the divine ingenuity at work that calls us toward the ways of peace, love, and hope. Although we may have strayed from the places where we meet you, we trust that not even death can separate us from you and the creative ways you show your love for us.
We know that you can bring us back to life, O God—
That you will meet us in the shadows and remind us that there are no limits to this life.
With the fresh breath of the Holy Spirit, we are revived.
One: The gifts that we bring to this community compound and create resurrection power, helping us to awaken wholeness in the broken, strength in the weakened, and liberation for all living in the midst of injustice. Let us share our generosity with each other and the community.
One: For the wondrous ways this offering will bless this community, help us nurture caring relationships with our neighbors, and do our part to liberate all who are experiencing oppression, we dedicate these gifts.
All: Let this offering, and the works of our hands and feet, be the resurrection we need to see in the world.
One: God be with you
All: And also with you
One: We lift up our hearts and give thanks to God who meets us where we are.
Let us pray:
Holy and loving God, we offer thanks for this day—for the beauty of the earth, for your love and care for every creature, for this table that is before us. We offer gratitude for the virtual community that surrounds this table, and for the many tables and faces we cannot see that make up this ceremonial banquet montage. We rejoice that you call the entire human family to this marvelous mosaic.
We offer prayers for those without tables to gather around, without food to eat, without beverage to quench their thirst. Communion and community are for them too. We are humbled by this reality, and as we prepare to receive this gift of grace, remind us to be gracious with one another. Meet us in our striving, and hear us as we pray the words that Jesus taught us, saying: [Prayer that Jesus taught]
As we go forth, may you be reminded of the creative renewing energy of God.
May you be witnesses of the wonders of God’s work in the world through Christ.
May you be reminded of the possibilities of victory and glory amidst death and despair.
And may God be gracious to you and give you peace. Amen.
This is the Day (Éste es el día) New Century Hymnal #84
I Will Enter God’s Gates Celebration Hymnal #214
*the two songs above are sung together in many traditions
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today New Century Hymnal #233
¡Cristo vive, fuera el llanto! (Christ is living, no more weeping) New Century Hymnal #235

From the Tomb Service Prayers for Easter Sunday Year C were written by Rev. Mia M. McClain, the Associate Minister at Myers Park Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC and a member of the Southern Conference UCC.