Easter 3B – April 14

Sunday, April 14, 2024 | Easter 3B
“Waiting for the Feast Lenten Series: Witnesses of These Things”
Luke 24:36b-48
Call to Worship
One: Let us fill our hearts and minds with hope as we hear the Words of Jesus Christ.
All: “Peace be with you.”
One: When peace and justice seem uncertain, let us hear anew the Words of Jesus Christ.
All: “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?”
One: Let us be comforted by the presence of Christ, whose love, and light dwells within us.
All: Let our lives be witnesses of these things.
One: Help us to be instruments of Christ’s peace to all in need of God’s healing love.
Risen Christ, create in us a clean heart so that we can meditate in your peace; abide in your mercy; be filled with your justice; and be made new by your love. In your name, we pray. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Loving God, in your infinite wisdom, we are glad that you make all things new. Where there is hate, show your love. Where there is war, bring your peace. Where there is despair, bring your hope. Where there is fear, bring your understanding. Where there is scarcity, bring your abundance. Where there is systemic oppression, bring equal justice for all. By your perfect grace and mercy, make us new. May it be so. Amen.
Words of Grace
Loving God, thank you for the assurance of your grace. You grant us all your peace. Help us to trust in your peace, especially in times of conflict. Believing you will bring peace in our hearts, and to all the earth. Guiding us, so that all may come to know Jesus Christ, who is our Prince of Peace. In his name, we pray. Amen.
Invitation to Generosity
One: All are invited to give joyously to the church that bears witness to Christ’s love.
All: Let us give with a joyful heart.
One: God’s loving generous love has given us every good and gracious gift.
All: We offer our gratitude for God’s abundant blessings in our lives.
One: Now, let us be a blessing to others in the ways that God has faithfully and generously blessed us.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Let us remember that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes early in the morning. May these gifts of blessing be a sign of the love, light, and glory of our redeeming God who has created a world of abundance with all that we need. May we remain thankful witnesses to your generosity, O God, as we dedicate these offerings to you and your beloved creation.
Living God, we are witnesses to your love and light. Your peace is seen in the dawning of each new day. Your equal justice bears witness in the interconnected universe that you have created. Faithful God, help us to feel the warmth of your loving light in the cooler moments of life. As we leave this worship service, let us go back into the world renewed as instruments of your loving peace and justice for all. May it be so. Amen.
Hymn Suggestions
Woke Up This Morning
God of Grace and God of Glory
Let There Be Peace on Earth
Witnesses of These Things: Service Prayers for the Second Sunday of Easter was written by The Rev. Dr. Sheila Harvey, Pastor of Union Congregational United Church of Christ.