Easter 2B – April 7

Second Sunday of Easter
April 7, 2024
“Peace Be with You”
Call to Worship
One: As we join in worship this day, we might feel like the disciples, overwhelmed by grief. After all, the state of the world is so uncertain now.
Many: But our resurrected Christ comes to us, saying, “Peace be with you.”
One: We might feel like Thomas, looking for physical signs that the unbelievable could be true. After all, nothing like this has ever happened before.
Many: But our resurrected Christ comes to us, saying, “Here are the marks on my body.”
One: Can we really believe that Jesus is here again?
Many: Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit on us. Christ’s peace is with us. We don’t need to be afraid.
One: Our resurrected Christ calls us to worship, and we receive the peace of Christ.
Many: Let us worship with joy! Alleluia!
Resurrected Christ, you have taught us how the unbelievable can be possible. When there is so much to fear in the world, we can find peace in your presence. As we worship, breathe your Spirit on us, that we may carry it with us. Help us comfort our neighbors. Help us serve a world of need. We pray this with thanksgiving for your work among us. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
God, we confess that we too might be like Thomas. As we are overwhelmed by the world’s grief, it’s natural for us to be cynical. It’s hard to believe that hope is possible when hope is hard to find. But when we stop believing in hope, we also stop believing liberation can be possible. When we stop working to tear down injustice and discrimination, we stop others from experiencing the peace we have found in you. Forgive our unbelief, calm our fears, and help us be instruments of your peace. Amen.
Words of Grace
Leader: Beloved, Jesus comes to us with grace, telling us we can believe. Because we believe, we can also be empowered to do the work of justice. Yes, the world is heavy. No, the work will never be done. But because we know Christ’s peace, we can share it with others.
People: We believe in the grace and peace of Christ. We are forgiven. Alleluia!
Invitation to Generosity
Jesus has empowered us with the Holy Spirit. We have life because of his presence with us. Let us join in God’s abundance, giving what we can to offer peace to a hurting world.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
God of the Resurrection, help us use these gifts to offer hope where there is sorrow, peace where there is chaos and love where there is fear. We can do incredible things because your Spirit lives within us. Amen.
Beloved, go in peace, and go be peace! Receive the Holy Spirit deep in your being, and share your new life in Christ with the world! Amen!
Peace Be With You: Service Prayers for the Second Sunday of Easter were written by Rev. Jacob Nault, Pastor of Union-Congregational Church in Waupun, WI. He also works alongside the UCC’s Disabilities Ministries Board to provide music, liturgy, and other resources on issues of disability justice.