Baptism of Christ 1B – January 7

January 7, 2024
Baptism of Christ
“The Voice”
Call to Worship (Inspired by Psalm 29)
One: Ascribe to Creator glory and honor!
Many: The Voice of the Holy One hovers over the waters and speaks creation into being.
One: Ascribe to the Holy One strength and peace!
Many: The Voice of the Sovereign One calls for justice, love, and righteousness.
One: Ascribe to the Omnipresent One power and gentleness!
Many: The Voice of the Gracious One gives life and reigns forever and ever.
Triune God, you come among us in the fullness of your being and affirm the fullness of our humanity–mind, body, and spirit. In you, we find joy and pleasure. In you, we claim peace and hope. In you, we arise to greet a new day and a new way of being. Shape us in this time together that we might reflect your goodness and your way. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Righteous God, we confess our need of you in every aspect of our lives. Lift us from the valleys of despair and hopelessness. Free us from the societal norms, pressures, and conventions that conflict with or diminish your kindom. Remind us of our baptismal promises and commitment. Release us from shame and fortify us with grace for transformation and new life. Amen.
Words of Grace
Beloved, the Holy One has declared you good in your being as you have been uniquely created. The Holy One has faith in you to be the best version of yourself. The Holy One companions with you in the process of growth, renewal, and sanctification. And, the Holy One empowers and emboldens us to spread the good news, pursue justice and liberation, and be agents of transformation in the world. Receive the grace God gives us to fail, to learn, and to be more like Jesus Christ.
Invitation to Generosity
Let us return a portion of our abundance to the creative and liberating energy and work of God in the world. May our resources be used for the glory of the Holy One and in the name of the One who modeled abiding generosity.
Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
Holy One, receive our offerings as gifts of ourselves. Increase the gifts and uplift our generosity to new heights. May our giving bear fruit that sustains, nurtures, and feeds a new world into being.. Amen.
As you arise from this gathering of world, in spirit or enfleshed,
Follow The Voice into the world.
Claim your voice for the kindom.
Join our collective voices in spreading good news.
The Voice will be with you. Glory to God. Go in peace. Arise..
The Voice: Service Prayers for the First Sunday after Epiphany was written by The Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology, United Church of Christ.