After Pentecost C July 24 2022
The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost | Proper 12
July 24, 2022
Call to Worship
One: We gather to rejoice in the Holy One.
Many: Revive us, O God, make us alive in Christ!
One: We assemble as people called to community by and with the Redeemer.
Many: Restore us, O God, make us alive in Christ!
One: We come open to the possibilities made new by the Creator.
Many: Revive us, O God, make us alive in Christ!
Compassionate One, your love sustains us, molds us, and empowers us. May we dwell in that love as you dwell in us–faithfully, joyfully, and abundantly. Renew us as your people grounded in you and flourishing with you. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Just God, we sense your anger at the injustice that thrives in the world. We share your grief at the discord that rages among your children, the rejection of those who bear your image, and the oppression of those you know by name. We turn toward you for strength and guidance to turn away from the norms of this world, the lure of self-righteousness, and the appeal of comfort over justice. Embolden us to believe that another world is possible and empower us to participate in its creation. Amen.
Words of Grace
The One who is holy and righteous makes us holy and righteous. We are participants, heirs, and co-creators of new life found in the redemptive love of Jesus Christ and in the realm of the Holy One which has no end. In this, grace abounds and liberates us to new mornings, new mercies, and new life.
Invitation to Generosity
Compassion stirs us to generous action and hopeful giving. We share the abundance of our resources and spread the gifts we have received for the good of the world and the work of the kindom.
Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
God our Companion, receive these gifts as seeds to be nurtured and grown into new abundance, more possibilities, and magnifying gifts for your kindom on earth.
Let us go, revived, as ambassadors of compassion in the world, showing the glory of God, embodying the peace of God, and living the hope of God. Amen.
Compassion: Service Prayers for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost were written by Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology, United Church of Christ.
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