Will you Vote Faithfully?

vote-faithfully-1.pngElection Day is fast approaching. We know that our democracy is stronger when all the members of our communities, informed by their passions and life experiences, cast their ballot. Now, more than ever, I believe that every vote – and voice – does matter. So when my friends and family ask me why I’m voting, here’s what I tell them –

  • As a person of faith, I believe I am called to love my neighbor, and one way to put that love in action is to advocate for public policy outcomes that promote the common good for all. Voting is one important way to do that.
  • There is more at stake in this election than the presidential race. And even Congress. State and local races can be critical in shaping the life of our communities. They impact everything from schools, transportation, the quality of our drinking water and who enforces our criminal justice system.
  • In many states, there are important ballot initiatives before the voters, on issues like gun violence and campaign finance reform. These are rare opportunities for us as voters to shape our laws directly.
  • Most of all, I want the children in my life to know I cared enough about their future to vote.

In a time when our country needs faithful voices to advance a vision of justice and peace, I opt for voting, and for working for change and positive dialogue long after the polls close on November 8th.

I hope you will join me and encourage others in your congregation and community to let their voice be heard. Here are some nonpartisan ways you can have a positive impact on the electoral process:

Observe Vote Faithfully Sunday –

We’ve teamed up with ecumenical partners to claim the Sunday before Election Day as Vote Faithfully Sunday. This is a great opportunity to reflection on our commitment to the common good, provide our members with the information they need to cast their ballots and prepare to vote as a community.

Use the resources in the #VoteFaithfully toolkit, a nonpartisan, resource from the United Church of Christ, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Episcopal Church. The toolkit contains worship resources for the Sunday before the elections, a bulletin insert with information on Election Protection, and a voter commitment card that can be collected as part of your Sunday offering.

Help your Congregation Get Out The Vote

Check out the UCC Our Faith Our Vote campaign for ideas on how to mobilize voters in your congregation and community. Make sure they have all the information they need to cast their ballots.

Start Planning for the Future

Begin to think about ways you can engage your congregation and community in thoughtful, respectful dialogue after the elections through education forums and community dialogues.

Help ensure that every voice in your community is heard! Help us get out the vote!

See you at the polls!

P.S. Share your GOTV efforts on social media using the #OurFaithOurVote and #VoteFaithfully hashtags! We want to show the world what faith in action looks like!

Categories: Column Our Faith Our Vote: Blog

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