

What is MissionInsite?

MissionInsite is a demographic program that can help congregations and ministries know their neighborhood and mission field.

Why use MissionInsite?

MissionInsite is available through a license that the United Church of Christ national office has purchased. 23 of our 38 conferences have joined the national office using this program. If your conference is not already on-board, please call the CARD office for more information.

What can MissionInsite tell me or my congregation?

MissionInsite uses information from a variety of sources including the United States Census reports and data provided to them from Experian – the credit reporting agency. The United Church of Christ also provides them with data about our churches, conferences, and associations. Churches can upload their congregant information. This information is then utilized by the program to make available different “layers” or “theme maps” around a specific area that can be defined by the user.

For example, a Youth Director for All-Inclusive UCC is looking to recruit youth in the community to join the church youth program. By using MissionInsite, you would type in the address of your church and you’ll have access to a map providing community demographics by age. Once you have identified the neighborhoods with youth, you might contact the school in that area and ask if you could advertise the youth program on the bulletin board. This is just one creative way to utilize MissionInsite.

Who do I contact for more information?

  • Conferences contact the Center for Analytics, Research & Development, and Data (CARDD) of the United Church of Christ: 866.822.8224 ext. 2149.
  • UCC Churches contact your Conference. 

To learn more visit the website MissionInsite .

 UCC Conferences Utilizing MissionInsite

  • California, Nevada Northern Conference
  • California, Nevada Southern Conference
  • Central Atlantic Conference
  • Central Pacific Conference
  • Florida Conference
  • Heartland Conference
  • Illinois Conference
  • Indiana-Kentucky Conference
  • Iowa Conference
  • Kansas-Oklahoma Conference
  • Michigan Conference
  • Minnesota Conference
  • Missouri Mid-South Conference
  • Nebraska Conference
  • New Hampshire Conference
  • New York Conference
  • Penn Central Conference
  • Penn Northeast Conference
  • Pennsylvania Southeast Conference
  • South Dakota Conference
  • Southern New England Conference
  • Southwest Conference
  • Wisconsin Conference