U.S. HIV & AIDS Faith Coalition
People of faith, faith leaders and people working in the HIV and AIDS response working together to discuss and develop strategies to strengthen the capacity of houses of worship and faith-based organizations who are engaged, or wish to engage, in efforts to end the HIV epidemic. The focus of the coalition is on the role of faith in attaining and fast-tracking the goals for ending the HIV & AIDS epidemic by 2030.
The United Church of Christ serves as the fiscal agent for U.S. HIV & AIDS Faith Coalition.
World AIDS Day 2022
U.S. Conference on HIV & AIDS 2022
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Find/Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ushivfaith
HIV & Faith Webinar Series
HIV, Faith and Latinx Communities
October 13, 2021, 2:00 – 3:30 pm Eastern U.S.

National Faith HIV AIDS Awareness Day
World AIDS Day 2020
World AIDS Day Interfaith Service
Join the World AIDS Day Interfaith Service organized by the US HIV & AIDS Faith Coalition. It will be available online and via live-stream. Keeping with the AIDS 2020 theme, “Resilience and Renewal,” the service will include four faith traditions Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity. Each will offer sacred text, a reflection, and a prayer.
Ecumenical World AIDS Day Service (virtual)
The World Council of Churches will offer an ecumenical World AIDS Day service in the Christian tradition. The service will be offered In the context of the ‘16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence’ with the Theme: “Global Solidarity, Shared Responsibility”.
AIDS 2020 Interfaith Service
Khadijah Abdullah, RAHMA, Washington DC
Carmarion Anderson-Harvery, Human Rights Campaign, Alabama
Sande Bailey-Gwinn, Foundations For Living
Ulysses Burley, UBtheCURE
Tiauna Webb, Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference, Chicago, IL
Dr. Iva Carruthers, Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference, Chicago, IL
Barbara Chinn, Episcopalian, Washington DC
Michael Crumpler, Unitarian Universalists, New York, NY
C. Virginia Fields, National Black Leadership Commission on Health, New York, NY
Kamal Fizazi, Lay Muslim Member, New York, NY
Bishop Yvette Flunder, The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries, Oakland, CA
William Francis, The HUB, Atlanta, GA
Cary Goodman, Balm in Gilead, Richmond, VA
George Kerr III, Presbyterian HIV Network, Washington DC
Daniel Leyva, National Latino Commission on AIDS, New York, NY
Erica Poellot, Faith in Harm Reduction, New York, NY
Edwin C. Sanders II, Metropolitan Interdenominational Church, Nashville, TN
Louis Shackleford, HIV Vaccine Trials Network
Mike Schuenemeyer, United Church of Christ HIV & AIDS Network, Cleveland, OH
Pernessa Seele, Balm in Gilead, Richmond, VA
David Williams, Metropolitan Community Church, Newark, NJ
Rev. Michael Schuenemeyer
Office +1 216.736.3217
Mobile: +1 216.570.7767
Email: schuenem@ucc.org