Partners in Building: Two Days of Training That Will Transform Your Church

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August 2016 A Monthly Newsletter from CB&LF

Partners in Building: Two Days of Training
That Will Transform Your Church

The Rev. Partrick G. Duggan
Executive Director, Christ Church Building & Loan Fund

When a congregation is in transition, buildings and space usually become a part of the equation. It might be a growing new church that is ready to move, a renewing church that needs new space, an established church that has delayed needed repairs, or a congregation near the end of its ministry. Church building decisions can be so overwhelming that they become the focus of all fundraising, block church programming, and sap the energy out of congregants.

If your church fit this description, the UCC Church Building & Loan Fund’s Partners in Building (PIB) training event this September may be the answer to your prayers. Since 2009, PIB has helped over 500 church leaders meet the many challenges of church building projects.

The 2016 Partners in Building (PIB) training event will be held in Long Beach, CA on Sept 23-24.  PIB is our premier training opportunity designed for church leaders that anticipate engaging in a church building project within six months to two years. Topics include the construction process, church building legal issues, accounting, insurance, church financials, and how to apply for financing. Church leaders can meet one-on-one with CB&LF staff, hear from churches that have led successful church building projects, and network with church leaders from across the country.  

PIB is a missional activity of the United Church of Christ, and as such CB&LF pays for airfare, transportation, hotel, meals and accommodations for up to three leaders of a participating church.  The church pays a $100 per person registration fee to participate in PIB.

This year for the first time, PIB participants may attend one of the following two pre-PIB event seminars on Friday September 23rd at the additional cost of $70 per person including lunch.

• The Future of Stewardship: Partnering to Build a More Vibrant Church

• Partners in Vision: Taking On Large or Complex Church Building Projects

Click here for additional information and registration for both PIB and the pre-PIB seminars.

Part of CB&LF’s mission is our call to serve all Christian churches in addition to United Church of Christ congregations. This year’s Partners in Building event will be one of our most ecumenical gatherings ever. In addition to the United Church of Christ congregations that are registering to attend, we anticipate church leaders from independent churches, the Disciples of Christ, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church USA, the Parish Collective, several Baptist churches, and others. Leaders from all Christian churches are encouraged to attend.

CB&LF stands ready to help you re-invent your church through innovative uses of building and space toward the goal of advancing the kingdom of God. So let’s be Partners in Building!

See you in September.

ssw-patrickduggan.jpgRev. Dr. Patrick G. Duggan is the Executive Director of the United Church of Christ Church Building & Loan Fund. CB&LF offers vision planning, consulting services, loans and capital campaigns to churches in the USA.


Refinancing Can Save Your Church Thousands of Dollars

Interest rates have been low for years and yet some churches have mortgages at rates of 6%, 7% or more. Refinance to a low interest rate mortgage with CB&LF, and lower monthly payments will free up thousands of dollars for ministry.

If your church has a solid on-time payment record and a high interest mortgage loan, you are a strong candidate for refinancing with CB&LF. You may qualify to borrow more for building repairs or upgrades and still lower your monthly payment.

For more information on refinancing with CB&LF please click here to email Erin Frameli, CB&LF Mortgage Loan Services Coordinator .


Park Hill UCC – Denver: Making Progress with a Capital Campaign
By Priscilla Bizer, CB&LF Capital Fundraising Executive

In April 2013, Park Hill UCC launched a capital campaign with the theme LIGHT THE WAY!

The church wanted to set their campaign target to $850,000 (the total cost of the necessary renovations). Our feasibility study showed that a goal of $400,000-$425,000 would be both challenging and realistically achievable.

At the end of the campaign process, church pledges totaled $452,000. Work started with critical maintenance, exterior improvements, renovation of the entry way and fellowship space. Finally, the sanctuary was upgraded with new flooring and seating.

At the end of the three–year pledge period, Park Hill UCC had received $452,144. The projects have been completed and paid for and the congregation is looking ahead to the future.


CB&LF Current Rates & Terms – August 2016
Rates subject to change without notice

Building Purchase (20% down, 4.25% fixed, 20-30 years)
Site-Purchase (30% down, 4.75% fixed, 20-30 years)
Construction (30% down, 4.75% fixed, 20-30 years)
Refinance (30% minimum equity in property, 4.75% fixed, 20-30 years)
Small Loan $25,000 – $100,000 (10% minimum equity in property, 4.75%, up to 10 years)
Church Building Energy and Environmental Program $25,000 – $100,000 (10% minimum equity in property, 4.25% – 5.375%, 5-7 years)
Church Building Disaster Recovery Program (special rates & terms)


Copyright © 2015 United Church of Christ Church Building & Loan Fund | 866-822-8224 |