Let’s Talk About Sex – the film
Let’s Talk About Sex
The documentary film and educational tool “Let’s Talk About Sex” premiered on The Learning Channel (TLC) in April and was seen by over a million households. The DVD is now available for purchase (and digital streaming). The outreach campaign is being supported by a number of national organizations, including the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice and the United Church of Christ. The website www.letstalkaboutsexthefilm.com, as well as the Facebook page, are great resources for parents and young people seeking information, answers to important questions, and a forum to talk. This site includes a ‘faith community’ section.
“Let’s Talk About Sex” takes a revealing look at how American attitudes towards adolescent sexuality affect today’s teenagers. We live in a society that uses sex to sell everything from lipstick to laptops. Yet fear and silence around sex and sexuality also permeate our culture. Teens are paying a terrible price for this confusion in unintended pregnancy, STDs, and even HIV. And American taxpayers are paying billions to treat these entirely preventable problems.
Toward the end of the DVD, First Congregational UCC in Eugene, OR, and its Our Whole Lives program is highlighted. OWL is portrayed as a ‘model’ comprehensive sexuality education program and is highly recommended by sexuality educators all over the country.
As “back to school and church” ramps up, this is a great time to bring this effective tool to your faith, education and parents’ groups. If your church has already incorporated the ministry of sexuality education (Our Whole Lives), you will find that this DVD is an excellent tool for a parent’s group discussion. If your church has not yet begun to implement OWL, this resource might serve as a catalyst. A number of communities across the country are planning to screen the film in order to bring awareness and start conversations. The need for responsible sex education remains real – we are encouraging individuals, groups, and organizations to purchase the DVD in bulk. Please join in this effort to give our young people the rights, respect, and responsibility they deserve. Please contact myself (Ann L. Hanson (hansona@ucc.org) or the producer Neal Weisman (NealLW@aol.com).