United Black Christians, voice of UCC African Americans, offers 50th-anniversary video

UBC 2020 video screen shotUnited Black Christians, representing some 50,000 African American members of the United Church of Christ, will mark its 50th anniversary on Sunday, Nov. 22.

UBC is commemorating the occasion by sharing a video for use by congregations that day – which is officially designated as United Black Christians Sunday in the denomination – or on other Sundays of their choice.

The 11-minute video can be found at this BoxCast link. It contains a collage of images and music celebrating UBC history, greetings from UBC President Zillah Jackson Wesley, and, starting just after the 8-minute mark, a litany read aloud by UBC members with words displayed at the bottom of the screen.

UBC is recognized in the UCC Bylaws as an official special-interest group with voice and vote on national bodies. The Bylaws describe UBC as “providing voice for all African American members of the United Church of Christ, seeking to witness to and preserve the history and legacy of African American people and churches. UBC is an active advocate for liberation and social justice at home and abroad.”

Among UBC’s programs are:

Wesley said UBC will celebrate its anniversary throughout the coming year. She encouraged UCC members and congregations to watch for more resources over the coming months.

“Our theme this year is ‘Our Souls Look Back,’” she said. “In the spirit of Sankofa, UBC looks back on 50 years of faithful ministry in the United Church of Christ as we move forward to chart the course for continued growth, development, endurance and ultimate liberation.”

She encouraged people interested in more information to contact UBC by email at info@ubc-ucc.org or ubcnewsletter@outlook.com.

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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