‘Speak the truth’: Heartland Conference Minister joins Springfield prayer vigil

The Rev. David Long-Higgins was among many faith leaders gathered in Springfield, Ohio, on Sunday for a prayer vigil in response to the recent rise in violent threats and harassment toward members of the Haitian community. Long-Higgins serves as Conference Minister for the Heartland Conference of the United Church of Christ.

Leaders from the Open and Affirming Coalition of the UCC also joined the “Prayers and Press” event, including Coalition Director Rev. Katrina Roseboro-Marsh and Board member Rev. Lesley Jones. Bishop William Barber, executive director of Repairers of the Breach, led the interfaith group in offering prayer and words of solidarity with the Haitian community in Springfield. The vigil was recorded and is available for viewing.

Long-Higgins offered greetings on behalf of UCC General Minister and President Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson and invited the crowd to reflect on the importance of telling the truth about each other in order for all of God’s people to flourish and work together for good. Thompson has written a statement calling “churches, clergy, and all UCC members to denounce vitriolic rhetoric, stand against hate, and advocate for the rights of immigrants who continue to navigate bigotry and marginalization in the U.S. and around the world.” Long-Higgins has also written a pastoral letter urging people to stand with Haitian siblings “as the beloved children of God that they are and utterly reject such false narratives.”

Prayer for healing justice

Long-Higgins offered a prayer based on Ephesians 4:25 and 29, which begins, “Put away falsehood, let each of you speak the truth with your neighbor.” His full prayer is below:  

Loving God, bear your word of truth in us today that it may build up our Haitian siblings in a season of lies bent on diminishing them and dividing the community and the nation.

Turn the hearts of those who insist on perpetuating and deepening the divide, that a new and whole heart may take hold reshaping the narrative with the language of love for all of your human family, already held in your great heart as beloved and belonging.

Let your agape love that seeks the good of the other be more and more the operative energy and Spirit at work in all of us, shaping our words and deeds that your vision of the beloved community may rise ever anew.

Awaken us again and again to your gift of beautiful diversity that gives rise to your joy, if only we will prayerfully pause in wonder and praise at what you make possible.

Pour your Spirit, ever anew, strengthening our Haitian siblings and shaping our words with love that your healing justice may rise and lead everyone to your intended joy.

In your holy name we pray. Amen.

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Categories: United Church of Christ News

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