One Great Hour of Sharing offering is underway: Resources help congregations ‘be the light’
The One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering is underway, with United Church of Christ congregations seeking to shine their light in the world by making gifts to help those in need both locally and abroad.
The suggested date for this offering is March 30. Gifts can also be made throughout the year. Online donations can be made here.
This year’s theme, “Be the Light,” based on Matthew 5:14, where Jesus reminds God’s children that “you are the light in the word.” It focuses on the many lives changed through the gifts that enable UCC’s work in disaster preparedness, immediate response and long-term recovery as well as providing aid for those displaced by political turmoil or struggling with the injustices of economic inequity.
These stories, and other promotional resources including offering envelopes, as well as children, youth and intergenerational activities are available here.
OGHS gifts are also used in awarding congregations $250 matching grants to go toward making Church World Service emergency clean up kits, back-to-school packs or hygiene kits.
One of the four special mission offerings collected in the UCC, OGHS has a long history of coming to the aid of others. OGHS began as an ecumenical movement in 1949 to rebuild a world torn about by war. Now, 76 years later, the work of rebuilding and restoring continues.
According to Andrew Long-Higgins, team leader for UCC’s Global H.O.P.E. team, the words “be the light,” “resonate deeply” with the work the UCC is called to do.
“These words call us to reflect God’s love in our actions,” he said in this year’s OGHS sermonette video.
Learn more about OGHS here.
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