ONA Coalition edging closer to $30k fundraising goal

Rod_wedding.JPGIn celebration of its 30th anniversary and anticipation of continued growth, the Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ is closing in on its current fundraising goal of $30,000.

“Between General Synod and the ONA National Gathering that preceded it, we’ve raised $25,000 so far,” said the Rev. Rod Mundy, the Coalition’s ONA coordinator.

“We are so close to the goal, we can just taste it,” said Mundy. “We’ll take credit cards, cash and prayers, whatever we can get, to help us get to $30,000. That will help us maintain staffing levels and keep programs intact.”

Not only is the Coalition – now numbering 1,300 members – focused on getting all UCC member churches to be ONA, but also to help current ONA churches re-energize their efforts.

“Whether it be regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, accessibility or veterans issues – any intersectional issues in which people might have felt excluded from coming to church but now feel welcomed equally at the table of God,” said Mundy, who was married at General Synod in Cleveland on June 29 to his longtime partner, Darryl Haase.

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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