The Innovation Lab launches at Synod to lift up creativity, experimentation

Inovations-Grab.jpgBelieving that “God is Still Creating” and is calling us to co-create meaningful faith and practices, the Ohio Conference rolled out “The Innovation Lab,” trying it first with the youth and young adults at General Synod 2015. “The Innovation Lab,” getting a first run at Synod, is a project to support innovators, encourage creativity and promote experimentation in the progressive faith movement.

“We are curating a platform to share, connect and inspire innovators and host gatherings where people can come together to do creative, daring things,” said Phil Hart, Ohio conference minister, who introduced the project.

The goal of the project reaches beyond simply improving what has been, said Hart. “We are dreaming about what is next. The lab has been designed as a holy experiment in which innovation is celebrated.”

The goal was to launch the lab without undue fanfare, process or preparation, he said.

“I think that what we need to do [as a church] is set up situations where we can succeed, and we don’t have to talk before we experiment,” said Hart, who contacted the Ohio Conference at the end of last year to gauge its interest in moving forward.

“We have confidence in this experiment,” said Hart. “The [Ohio Conference] board has given us the approval and the space to respond to opportunities. And this is an experiment that allows us to try something without having to pour a ton of resources or affirm a decision after discussion. We can test it and try it.”

“We have worked from zero forward in the past, and that’s really hard,” said Hart. “We have to be idling in first gear when the opportunities come up.”

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Categories: United Church of Christ News

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