JPANet Frequently Asked Questions
Thinking about joining the Justice and Peace Action Network? Already a JPANet advocate, but want to know more? Here are some frequently asked questions, and information on who to contact to learn more!

What resources and opportunities does the Network provide?
- Weekly Legislative Action Alerts:
Brief email synopsis of pending legislation or current justice issues, and a call for action each week. Perfect for taking personal action on the justice issues you care about and suitable for posting in newsletters and bulletins. - Monthly Newsletter:
Includes invitations to regional and national gatherings, resources and opportunities for witness. - Biblical and liturgical material for interpreting issues and action.
What Happens When You Take Action?
When you take an online action, you will be directed to a webpage that will explain the current legislative issue and provide a sample letter for you to send directly to your legislators. When you fill out your information, your letter, which you can personalize according to your own particular views on an issue, will be sent to the indicated decision-makers (i.e. Senators, Congresspeople, the President, or whoever is the appropriate recipient of your message). These messages appear in their email inboxes as though you had sent it from their website email form or your own email. You will also have the opportunity to tweet at your legislators with tweets drafted that you can personalize before sending.
Does taking action electronically make a difference?
Yes! Decision-makers take notice when their mailboxes fill with emails. Congressional staff members keep regular tallies of the number of messages they receive on an issue, and it can make a difference on whether or not members of Congress support or oppose legislative measures. UCC JPANet advocates have sent messages on a wide range of issues from accessible healthcare, environmental justice, hate crimes, global poverty, violence against women, federal budget policy priorities, fair treatment of workers, the minimum wage and the protection of civil liberties.
How do I join?
Sign up on this page, or email with your name and email and we’ll do the rest! We encourage individuals to join and share the resources and action alerts with other members of their local churches. While the system is set up to register individuals, local churches can also sign up by designating a Local Church Contact person who will liaise between the JPANet and the Church. As the system is web-based however, the more individuals who are signed up, the more who are able to take action on important legislative issues.
Didn’t answer your question?
We in the Washington D.C. Office are eager to connect with you. It’s your advocacy that supports our work here on Capitol Hill! If you have questions, or want to be more involved, please reach out to us by email at, or give our office a call at 202-543-1517 and we will be happy to speak with you.