JPANet December 2022 Newsletter
Each month we ask UCC advocates to help us unpack the complex justice issues that we’re working on. As we honor and celebrate the Advent season, Curator for Join the Movement for Racial Justice, Sharon R. Fennema, invites us to discover the abolitionist visions that live in our sacred texts in this month’s Getting to the Root.
Dreaming Toward Freedom: Abolition Visions of Love-Made-Flesh
Whenever I talk about contemporary abolition movements with people, especially prison and policing abolition, one of the first responses raised in critique often goes something like this: “but abolition is just focused on tearing something down; we have to be realistic about and know what will replace it before we can abolish it.” And, it’s true – at its root, the word abolition literally means to destroy or put an end to. But abolitionists know that part of the practice of abolition is dreaming a new world, a world where prison isn’t the primary response to harm, where policing isn’t the main method of ensuring safety, where incarceration isn’t equated with justice. Read more.
Justice In Action
More Must be Done to End Gun Violence
The devastation of gun violence in this country is heartbreaking. Gun violence shades every aspect of life in America. And it’s no wonder; our country is flooded with guns.
Our faith gives us rituals and voice to grieve with those who are mourning. But it also instructs us to let our prayers become actions. To not just lament but work to build a world restored. We are not powerless in making these changes; we can take steps to reduce gun violence. Tell your elected leaders to take immediate action.
Thursdays in Black Video Prayers Now Available
Thursdays in Black is a global campaign against rape and violence that grew out of the World Council of Churches Decade of Churches in Solidarity with Women. Global Ministries has compiled videos of prayers from pastors and lay leaders across the UCC and Disciples specifically for Thursdays in Black. You can watch and share these videos with others and in any worship service. Find the playlist on Vimeo.
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence – November 25 – December 10
Gender-based violence is a global problem affecting 1 in 3 women. Every year we participate in the 16 days of activism through education and prayer. This year, the theme is Ending Femicide. Femicide is the murder of women because they are women, including the 38% of murders of women which are committed by their intimate partners. Join us this year!
Justice Events
UCC Webinar—Gift Giving and Worker Justice
Learn ways you can give gifts AND participate in establishing just wages and worker safety standards for migrant workers and building the wealth of small business owners internationally and nationally. Milk with Dignity/Migrant Justice and Equal Exchange will provide ways for you to connect with their programs both as churches and individuals. Register for this webinar on Dec. 7 at 2 PM ET.
Senate Passes the Respect for Marriage Act
This week, the Senate passed the Respect for Marriage Act. The measure will now head back to the House for a vote, and then on to President Biden to sign into law.
UCC Advocates pushed for the legislation and met with Senators on Capitol Hill in the crucial days leading up to the vote. Read more about the Respect for Marriage Act and UCC support in the fight for marriage equality.
Webinar—The Midterms and Beyond: A Path for Climate Justice
After the midterms, what is possible for climate justice in 2023 and beyond when it comes to legislation? As faith-rooted advocates, how do we now answer the call to love our neighbors and care for all of God’s creation? The webinar will be on Wednesday, December 14th at 1 pm ET/12 pm CT/11 am MT/10 am PT/8 am HT. Register for this webinar to learn more!
Save the Date for Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2023!
Save the date for Ecumenical Advocacy Days April 25-27, 2023. The conference will again be virtual with the theme “Swords into Plowshares – Achieving Enough for All & Pursuing Peace.” Plan now to join us online and spread the word! Information will be forthcoming on the website.
Justice Resources
DC Action Center
Each week, the D.C. Office creates an action alert based on what is happening at that time in Congress, and offers you the opportunity to contact your legislators with just one click! You can find all the alerts here.
The Pollinator
The Pollinator is a digital platform of the UCC for the sharing of ideas and inspiration. Its focus is the building of a faith-filled and faith-rooted movement for the care of creation
Witness for Justice
Looking for up-to-date social justice commentary? Check out Witness for Justice, a weekly editorial opinion column written by the staff of Justice and Witness Ministries.
Featured Topics:
Forced by Circumstances to Come Together | Saving Lives with Sexuality Education | Protect and Advocate for God’s Beloved Children Now!
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