January 2015

Dear Committee on Ministry colleagues,
Happy New Year! I write this month to share a variety of upcoming opportunities for Members in Discernment, which you might commend to the MIDs in your care as part of their ongoing formation:

+ The annual Regional Gathering of Members in Discernment will be held this spring in Cleveland from March 11-13 for MIDs of the Midwestern region. Hosted by MESA, the MID Gathering is an occasion for networking, mutual support, sharing resources and information, and inspiring worship. This regional gathering happens once every three years for each geographic region (Eastern, Midwestern, and Western). Two important notes: (1) a MID may attend only once during the process of discernment; (2) while the cost of this event is primarily underwritten by MESA, the MID and his/her Association are asked to contribute $100 each (for a total of $200) for each MID who is accepted to participate. The March 11-13 Gathering is open to MIDs from Associations or Theological Programs of the following Conferences: Calvin Synod, Illinois, Illinois South, Indiana-Kentucky, Iowa, Kansas-Oklahoma, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri Mid-South, Nebraska, Northern Plains, Ohio, South Central, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Invitations will be sent directly to MIDs who are registered in the UCC Data Hub and to Conferences. Questions can be directed to Kathy Clark (clarkk@ucc.org).

+ Please know that the Brown Scholarship has changed its application process for Members in Discernment. In addition to opening the scholarship to MIDs on multiple paths for all forms of authorization, an online application process has been instituted. Applicants can initiate the process directly and, for expanding inclusion and diversity, others can also nominate candidates. There is a FEBRUARY 15 DEADLINE for initiating the application; links to the online nomination and application forms can be found at http://brown.ucfunds.org. Any questions should be directed to the Rev. Nelson R. Murphy, Brown Endowment Administrator, United Church Funds, 212-729-2620 or brown@ucfunds.org.

+ A course on History, Theology and Polity of the United Church of Christ will be offered at General Synod this summer, June 24-July 1, taught by the Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Nordbeck and the Rev. Dr. Jonathan New of Andover Newton Theological Seminary. Members in Discernment, clergypersons seeking Dual Standing or Privilege of Call, and interested laypersons are welcome to enroll in the polity course with the option of earning seminary credit or a certificate (non-credit). Please share this flyer with those who may be interested: http://www.uccfiles.com/pdf/gs30-synodpolityflyer.pdf.

How about you – will we see you at General Synod in Cleveland this summer? Among other events at Synod, MESA will be hosting a meet-and-greet for Committee on Ministry members to introduce themselves to and have discussion time with members of the Habakkuk Group, the group that is working to re-vision the Manual on Ministry. We’d be delighted to see you there!

Many blessings,
Rachel Hackenberg
The Rev. Rachel G. Hackenberg
Minister for Committee on Ministry Resources & Conference Support
Ministerial Excellence, Support & Authorization (MESA) Team
Local Church Ministries, United Church of Christ

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