General Synod 35 online registration now open

Registration for the 2025 General Synod of the United Church of Christ is now open.

The event takes place July 11-15, 2025, in Kansas City, Missouri, and offers the opportunity for thousands of folks within the United Church of Christ to gather for worship, fellowship, attending to business, offering public witness, and setting the denomination’s priorities for ministry.

The cost to attend is $325 for the full event for visitors, delegates, youth leaders, and exhibitors. Other registration fees are:

Three-day Visitor$215
Single-day Visitor$125
Seminary Student$200
Youth Program (Grades 6-12)$200
Youth Visitor$100
Sales Vendor$175

Attendees have the opportunity to select from a wide variety of optional dining events to take place throughout four days of Synod.

The event will also include workshops, generative plenary sessions, inspirational worship, an engaging youth program, and a robust exhibit space – with planning and details on these still in the works.

Call for workshops

The application for General Synod workshop proposals is now open as well, inviting proposals for one-hour workshops that “equip local churches in faithfully living out our common mission to build a just world for all.” Workshops will take place during Synod on Sunday, July 13.

Workshop topics in the areas of spirituality and the church, leadership development, climate change, strengthening the church, and decolonizing practices will be prioritized, and the deadline to submit proposals is Jan. 24, 2025.

‘An exciting time to gather’

This year’s gathering in Kansas City promises to delve “into the deep” with the theme based on Luke 5:4, which says, “When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’”

“General Synod 35 is the last biennial gathering and promises to be an exciting time to gather as church,” said the Rev. Josh Baird, who serves as the General Synod administrator and UCC chief of staff. “Following the theme invites exploration of Jesus’ instruction to put out ‘into the deep,’ a source of life and sustenance which may be marked by mystery, risk, and reward.” 

This will be the last biennial gathering because the 36th General Synod will take place in 2028 and begin a move to holding Synod every three years instead of every two — a decision made by delegates at the 34th Synod.

Moderator the Rev. Rushan Sinnaduray and Assistant Moderator Jean Avison will lead the business sessions of the gathering.

Delegates will consider several significant decisions, including the elections of both Associate General Ministers.

The Kansas Oklahoma and Missouri Mid-South Conferences of the United Church of Christ are co-sponsoring the 35th General Synod in Kansas City, Missouri, July 11-15, 2025.

Resolutions in process

Additionally, 12 potential resolutions have been submitted to the Resolutions Review Team, though “some submitters sent resolutions as an initial possibility but may decide to go a different route,” noted David Anderson, who serves as General Synod staff to the resolution and committee process, together with Kevin Peterson.

The resolutions in process have a deadline of being finalized by Dec. 31, and Anderson said he expects to hear back from all the submitters this month about next steps.

“Most of our work at this point in the process is interacting directly with resolution submitters to make sure their resolutions are well-written, and they comply with the General Synod Standing Rules and our UCC polity,” Peterson said. “This ensures that resolutions are as polished as possible for each step in the process — through the Resolution Review Team, Committee on Disposition, and finally to Synod itself.”

Visit the General Synod website to register now. Bookmark the page and subscribe to stay in the loop as more information is announced.

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Categories: United Church of Christ News

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