The State of Black Bodies in the US


Dean Kelly Brown Douglas is Dean of the Episcopal Divinity School at Union Theological Seminary and Professor of Theology at Union. She also serves as the Canon Theologian at the Washington National Cathedral and Theologian in Residence at Trinity Church…

The State of Rural Churches & Communities


In rural and small towns, the church is often a focal point for the spiritual and social well being of a community. During these times of health, economic, and social uncertainties facing the U.S., how are UCC congregations serving rural…

Blue Christmas Service


Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year—or is it? For many, it echoes old griefs and illuminates the new. When so many things have changed this year, we’ve lost people important to us, and so many hold their…

Hymn Sing!

Hymn Sing! Join us as we gather together to listen to the music of advent and Christmas, sing along, and close the year off together! You are welcome to dress up and “show off” your Christmas spirit throughout the program.…

Grace Emerged Visible


Come and worship with members of the national setting as we observe Epiphany and explore “the responsibility to distribute God’s grace.” (Ephesians 3:2a CEB)

Queerness & Disability: Showing up as our Full Selves


To many members of both the LGBTQ+ and disability communities, the intersection between Queerness and Disability may not be obvious. But for people who identify as both queer and disabled, this particular intersectional identity can strongly inform their understandings of…

Storytelling and Racial Justice


Share Stories. Open Hearts. Create Movement. As people of sacred stories, we know the power of narratives to build compassion and inspire action. Our stories help us know who we are and help us imagine who we can become. Drawing…

Let us Worship as One Body


Join us as we welcome Rev. Dr. Cheryl Lindsay as the Minister for Worship and Theology for the national setting of the United Church of Christ. Rev. Cheryl is no stranger to the UCC. She pastors a local congregation in…

Vibrant Re-Entry And Voter’s Rights Desmond Meade


Please join Rev. Traci Blackmon and Desmond Meade, a formerly incarcerated civil rights activist and recent McArthur Genius Grant Awardee, as they discuss the church’s role in welcoming returning citizens. Desmond Meade’s work centers on restoring voting rights to formerly…