Dorhauer among 44 religious leaders standing with Planned Parenthood

UCC-Dorhauer.jpegUCC General Minister and President the Rev. John C. Dorhauer is among the interfaith signatories of a statement released today (Sept. 28) calling on Congress to continue to allocate federal funds to Planned Parenthood’s health centers. The centers serve some 2.7 million people each year.

In the statement, Protestant, Jewish, Catholic, Unitarian Universalist, and Muslim leaders agree:

“As religious leaders, we urge Congress to resist efforts to deny federal funds to Planned Parenthood’s non-profit health centers that provide crucial reproductive health care. We ask for an end to politically motivated attacks on women’s sexual and reproductive health. We know that Planned Parenthood provides essential lifesaving services to almost three million people each year, including the most vulnerable families in the U.S. As religious leaders, we support family planning as a means of saving lives, improving reproductive and public health, enhancing sexuality, and encouraging intentional parenthood. We stand with people of faith who have supported Planned Parenthood for nearly one hundred years.”

In addition to Dorhauer, presidents of national denominations and national clergy associations also endorsed the statement, including the Rev. Sharon Watkins, president of the Christian Church (Disicples of Christ), and the Rev. Peter Morales, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

“I am a proud supporter of Planned Parenthood and its mission to provide women with choices and options regarding their reproductive health,” said Dorhauer. “It is an honor for me to attach my signature to this letter calling for continued support of this important organization.”

Read the list of signatories on the interfaith statement.

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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