You Make Me Lie Down
You make me lie down in green pastures, you lead me beside still waters, you restore my soul. – Psalm 23:2 (adapted)
It’s hard to improve upon the 23rd Psalm, that all-occasion timeless classic for everyone from nail-biting test-takers to bone-tired activists to spent pandemic-living-throughers to those facing the ultimate enemy, death itself.
And yet some scriptures are almost too familiar, and we cease to feel their truth and power. We need a double dose of that medicine for the same effect on our weary spirits.
If that describes you, lie down, right now, where you are. If anyone asks why you are doing it, say the Good Shepherd is making you. Close your eyes. Take three good, slow, deep breaths, and when you’re ready, open your eyes.
Now click this madlib-style version of Psalm 23 by the poet Christie Towers, and read psalm delivered right from God’s lips to your heart – a new translation just for you, and just for today.
May your soul be restored.
The Lord is my mother; I shall not yearn for anything. You make me lie down on my sofa. You restore my Being. You lead me to work for the greater good, for your name’s sake. Your beauty and creativity covers me. (Christie Towers, 2021. Refresh the poet’s webpage page again for more madlibbed translations of Psalm 23.)

Molly Baskette pastors at First Church Berkeley (CA) UCC. She is the author of several books about church renewal, parenting & faith, and spirituality. You can connect with her by subscribing to her newsletter, Doomsday Dance Party.