For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. – Matthew 6:21 (NRSV)
The who, why, and what of your life need not be questions of torturous discernment. As Jesus followers, this can be relatively simple. Let me help:
Who are you? A child of God.
Why are you here? To love and serve God.
What does this look like? Share your gifts.
I know. Someone out there is thinking: But Pastor, that’s not me. I don’t have any gifts to share right now. I’ve given all I can. I’m running on empty. Don’t ask me to give anything else up.
And if this is you: I hear you and I see you. And this brings us to an important point:
We’re not discerning skill right now. You might be skillful at something that entirely drains you. But giving of your gifts as a spiritual discipline is different. Why? Because gifts you have to share are given to you by God. They don’t come from you. And that frees you, because it means that sharing comes from a cup that runs over, an infinite well.
In fact, if the very thought of sharing your gifts drains you? Then that’s not your portion right now. Look into other gifts. God does not will your pain.
Your gift is that thing you can’t help but share. Where, at the end of sharing it, you feel full, not empty. Because your cup runneth over.
Somewhere, within your reach, there is a gift that God has placed before you. That your heart leaps at the chance to share.
Trust your gifts. Trust God. And share to your heart’s content. And then some.
Never forget: you are a treasure. Each child of God is God’s heart.
Thank you for allowing me to treasure myself enough to share the love you give. Amen.

Kaji Douša is the Senior Pastor of The Park Avenue Christian Church, a congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ, in New York City.