So Far
“Watchman, how much longer the night?” The watchman replies, “Morning has come, and again night.” – Isaiah 21:11-12 (NABRE)
One summer, my parents loaded four kids under ten into a station wagon for a cross-country camping trip. What could go wrong? But it was uneventful. My mother was pondering this miracle as we neared home after weeks away. Our house was in sight when she sighed, “Just amazing. No flat tires, no dead kids, no lost wallets, no divorce. Nothing’s gone wrong.” My father replied, “So far.”
I’m a pessimist, too. Some people object, “But you’re so joyful!” They think pessimism cancels joy. Nope. Something good happens, optimists are happy. But pessimists, who never anticipated much in the first place, are doubly happy. Something bad happens, optimists are sometimes crushed. Not pessimists. We knew it all along.
I’m not saying Jesus was a pessimist, but he kept his foot on the brake like pessimists do. (Disciple: Can’t wait till you’re on your throne, Teacher! Jesus: They’re going to kill me.) He knew life is usually unjust, so it’s good for our spirits and commitments to plan accordingly. You accomplish more with less disappointment when you’re zeroed in on reality. Like many things people call “dark,” pessimism contains possibilities.
“Morning has come!” the watchman cries. Optimistic spirits soar. But then he adds, “And again night.” In other words, all is well—so far. But you’ll soon be asking, “How long?” from the shadows again. You may escape calamity cross country and back, but it can still find you a block from home.
A downer? Sure, but in a good way. It concentrates the mind. For Christians with a mission, that can’t be bad.
Holy One, whether we’re optimists or pessimists, help us to be real. Concentrate our minds for your mission till night no longer follows day.

Mary Luti is a long time seminary educator and pastor, author of Teresa of Avila’s Way and numerous articles, and founding member of The Daughters of Abraham, a national network of interfaith women’s book groups.