“And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.” – Luke 1:45 (NRSV)
After she greets Elizabeth, the very first thing out of Mary’s mouth is a powerful song that emerges from the depths of her spirit. It carries the tune of God’s promises delivered through the very child Mary has just discovered is incubating in her womb.
Certainly, this was a time of fear and unknowingness – both entirely too relatable. Still, we can extract comfort in knowing that things aren’t always going to be the way they’ve been. The One whom we await is arriving with new life and possibility, even and especially in the midst of our various fears and uncertainties.
The power of music connects us to something greater than us. Our song doesn’t have to be original. It could be one written so long ago, like Mary’s or even a beloved hymn that joins our voices with those who’ve sung before us. Our song doesn’t even need a coherent tune. The music can be the cries that escape us in our bleakest moments. Or the sounds of joy and excitement as we experience glimpses of new life.
Sometimes I wish Luke would’ve included musical notations so we could harmonize, get the proper inflections, and know when to hold notes and when to quicken them. But then again, I’m glad he didn’t so that every single one of us can sing this melody of God’s radical and transformative love for all. None of us in the wrong key or off pitch. Everyone on the correct rhythm accompanied by our hearts’ beats.
Give us a song we can sing so we can boldly live out your good news. Amen.
The Rev. Phiwa Langeni is the Ambassador for Innovation & Engagement of the United Church of Christ. They are also the Founder of Salus Center, the only LGBTQ resource and community center in Lansing, MI.