It’s a Wonderful Life
“O that you would tear open the heavens and come down so that the mountains would quake.” – Isaiah 64: 1
O how I wish people would stop separating religion and politics, like God refused to separate heaven and earth during incarnation.
Everybody loves the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” O that angels really would deliver us from the mischief of the bankers. In New York City alone, debt service costs are projected to be 14 per cent of the city’s budget.
Mary and Joseph may have found room in a manger, but fewer and fewer people do. The banks haven’t met their angel yet.
What is a bank? It is a place where every time you toss them your money, they touch it and charge you for touching it.
The biggest trouble I ever got in was preaching about taxation at Christmas. It was misunderstood as political, even though Mary and Joseph were on a journey to be taxed.
O that you would show up, O God, and link earth again to heaven and heaven again to earth. Release us in the Holy Season for the unpolitical, apolitical angel-born, wonder–filled life.

Donna Schaper is Senior Minister at Judson Memorial Church in New York City. Check out her book: Prayers for People Who Say They Can’t Pray.