It Takes Longer
“… [The One] who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 1:6
Last time we took our car to a mechanic, there was a helpful pricing sign inside the garage:
“Labor = $25/hour.”
“$40/hour if you watch.”
“$60/hour if you help.”
Wisdom from experience. I may be utterly convinced I know what I’m doing. But someone who has successfully fixed cars, more than once, might find all my knowledge about as useful as a stripped lug nut.
Could this be true in my spiritual life, as well? Sometimes my ideas of wisdom and insight turn out to be — well, “pedestrian” would be kind. A major obstacle to what God is trying to do in me is more accurate.
My friend Richard put it this way: “I know that I’m being made into the image of Christ. It’s just taking longer than I thought it would.”
God, grant me the grace to stay out of your way, and to rejoice in what you are doing in me. Even when — especially when — I think I know better than you. Amen.

John A. Nelson is Pastor and Teacher at the Niantic Community Church, United Church of Christ, in Niantic, Connecticut.