Daily Devotional

The Daily Devotional is a spiritually deep well, to which thousands of readers are drawn each day. The overall voice of the Daily Devotional is tended by the Stillspeaking Writers’ Group and supported by the staff of The Pilgrim Press.

Permissions: Local Churches, Conferences, Associations, and other ministry settings of the United Church of Christ may use these reflections for any not-for-profit use by any medium, so long as credit is given to the reflection’s author and its content is not altered in any way. For other uses and permissions questions, email the team of The Pilgrim Press: permissions (at) thepilgrimpress (dot) com.

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by Jennifer Brownell | Sep 6, 2019

Your eyes beheld my unformed substance.In your book were writtenall the days that were formed for...

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Mundanity and Messes

by Jennifer Brownell | Sep 18, 2015

He said therefore, "What is the kingdom of God like? And to what should I compare it?" - Luke...

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Written By Committee

by Jennifer Brownell | Jan 22, 2018

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though...

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How Lovely

by Jennifer Brownell | Oct 24, 2019

How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD of hosts! - Psalm 84:1 (NRSV)How lovely is your home, O...

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