Commentary: Imagining a New World Together at EAD

Witness for JusticeAs the Justice and Peace Policy Fellow, I’ve had a unique opportunity to expand my policy advocacy and organizing experience within the environmental justice space. I have seen firsthand the powerful response of youth climate activists, witnessed the passion of environmental groups advocating for change and have personally felt the need for faithful leadership in these spaces. We know from recent climate research, including climate related disasters, we have limited time to address the surmounting issue of our warming planet.

“We look for — and speed the coming of — the new heavens and a new earth, where justice is at home” (2 Pet. 3:12,13).

As people of faith, we believe in the moral call to care for creation and love thy neighbor, while also playing an important role of envisioning what is possible. Amid consistent justice violations by this administration, how can we fuel ourselves and our work while dreaming of a better world for us all?

Every year in late spring, Ecumenical Advocacy Days brings together individuals from across the country to worship together, learn new skills for advocacy, and attend workshops on various issues.

The theme of EAD this year is “Imagine! God’s Earth and People Restored,” specifically highlighting the intersection of environmental and economic justice. Together, we will explore the current climate issues facing communities around the globe, while learning how to sustain ourselves toward a hopeful vision of restoration and healing for all people and creation.

While the current administration continues to deny climate science, rollback significant environmental protections and support industry over people, I come back to the natural hope built in imagination. In her book, Glory Happening: Finding the Divine in Everyday Happenings, Kaitlin B. Curtice writes, “We hold hope and despair, one in each arm, and we cradle them close to our chest because they both have something important to say at each moment.” At Ecumenical Advocacy Days, we will wrestle with the despair of the climate crisis, mourning the state of our world, and hope for a brighter future for all. Whether you’re new to environmental advocacy, a seasoned activist, or want to gain new skills, EAD is a great opportunity to learn, share and dream in community. Registration and information can be found at I hope to see you there!

Madison Mayhew is Justice and Peace Policy Fellow for the United Church of Christ.

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