July 2016

Dear Committee on Ministry colleagues,
Since 2012, the MESA Ministry Team has hosted Authorizing Ministry in the 21st Century (AM21), a gathering for conference staff during non-Synod years to collaborate and share wisdom on ministry authorization, oversight, and search & call. Each AM21 has a particular focus to highlight MESA resources and denomination-wide conversations in order to best meet the needs of our conferences.
This year’s AM21, to be held from November 30th – December 3rd in San Antonio TX, will focus on the materials being developed by the Habakkuk Group for a re-visioned Manual on Ministry. Because of the importance of the Habakkuk Group’s work, MESA will be taking AM21 beyond San Antonio and offering regional AM21 events in 2017 to all members of the United Church of Christ, especially members of Committees on Ministry.
You are invited to mark your calendars now for these regional AM21 events and to talk with your Conference staff about supporting strong attendance at the regional AM21 event most convenient to your conference. While the events are regionally located, they are not geographically limited; any UCC member can participate in any of these regional events. COM members located in the US’s south-central region are encouraged to consider attending the AM21 in San Antonio, November 30th – December 3rd. The regional AM21s will be held:

• March 2nd-3rd 2017 in Manchester NH
• April 24th-25th 2017 in Chicago IL  
• September 21st-22nd 2017 in Denver CO
• October 23rd-24th 2017 in Philadelphia PA

Online registration will be announced 2 – 3 months prior to each AM21 via COMma (to Committees on Ministry) and the MESA MEMO (to Conference staff and denominational partners). MESA looks forward to hosting these important conversations over the next fifteen months, and we appreciate your participation in them!
Blessings and peace to you,
Rachel Hackenberg

The Rev. Rachel G. Hackenberg
Minister for Committee on Ministry Resources & Conference Support
Ministerial Excellence, Support & Authorization (MESA) Team
Local Church Ministries, United Church of Christ

Categories: Column COMma

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