February 2017

Dear Committee on Ministry colleagues,
February may be the shortest month of the year, but in our lives and for our world we are praying for each day to grow long with justice and for love to be ample among friends and strangers alike. In this edition of COMma, it’s the announcements that are particularly abundant for the month of February:
The registration website for all four Regional AM21 events is now live! The registration fee is $75; hotel details and event agenda can be found on the registration site. Those who plan to attend the Regional AM21 in Manchester NH (March 2-3) are asked to register by Friday, February 24 so that we have time to make your nametags. Get started with your registration here: http://events.uccpages.org/am21.html.
The drafted Manual on Ministry materials, reflecting feedback from the AM21 event in San Antonio two months ago, will be posted online soon at http://www.ucc.org/ministers_manual. Resources for your prayerful engagement will include the Habakkuk Group’s updates of the drafted MOM, a discussion guide to explore proposed ideas that are still in discernment, feedback forms for the Habakkuk Group’s continued consideration of the wider church’s response, and more.
One of the Habakkuk Group’s resources – a revised edition of the Marks of Faithful & Effective Authorized Ministers – was received at San Antonio’s AM21 with great affirmation, and we’re excited to make updated Marks resources available to you through UCC Resources, including an engaging new Marks Assessment Rubric and a beautiful new Journaling the Journey.
The MESA Team’s online trainings for Committees on Ministry are now posted online for your convenience. Training topics range from the MID process to ministerial oversight, from the revised Marks to ecclesiastical endorsement, and more. The links to participate in these trainings via Zoom are embedded within each training’s title at http://www.ucc.org/ministers_committees-on-ministry. No registration necessary – just click the link when it’s time for the training!
The United Church of Christ is pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the “Flourishing in Ministry” project, a national study on clergy wellness. Please encourage the authorized ministers and MIDs in your regions to respond promptly to the survey, which is being distributed directly by email from the University of Notre Dame. General information about the “Flourishing in Ministry” project can be found at http://wellbeing.nd.edu/flourishing-in-ministry/.
For Committees on Ministry seeking opportunities for their MIDs to take polity, please know that Lancaster Theological Seminary will be hosting a UCC History, Polity & Theology course at General Synod in Baltimore this summer. Course dates are Wednesday, June 28 – Wednesday, July 5. Registration for this course will be available soon through the General Synod website. Questions can be directed to Kathy Clark (clarkk@ucc.org).
Blessings and peace to you,
Rachel Hackenberg

The Rev. Rachel G. Hackenberg
Minister for Committee on Ministry Resources & Conference Support
Ministerial Excellence, Support & Authorization (MESA) Team
Local Church Ministries, United Church of Christ

Categories: Column COMma

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