An Environmental Justice Partnership: The UCC and the People’s Justice Council

When the environmental justice movement arose in the 1980s, it was led by clergy and laity on the frontlines where they confronted local manifestations of environmental racism. The UCC Commission for Racial Justice rooted itself in these frontline communities while also mobilizing people of faith across the country. It is this model of action that the United Church of Christ (UCC) and the People’s Justice Council (PJC) embody today. With roots in North Birmingham, Alabama, PJC brings together people of faith to address multiple, overlapping forms of injustice.

Each month, the UCC and PJC co-host a Creation Justice Webinar that not only highlights particular environmental justice struggles but also culminates in specific actions that people of faith from around the country can take. One can find past webinars on YouTube.

Learn more about the People’s Justice Council.

Learn more about the Environmental Justice Ministries of the UCC.

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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